Chapter Seven: The Dark Truth About the Rabbits and Werewolves

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"Dad, you're not listening to me." I complain staring at my phone as he continues making dinner during the video call.

Intentionally or not he's ignoring me. Sighing and turning around to stir whatever he's cooking. Leaving his phone on the counter and avoiding the questions I'd like answered as I sit alone at the park.

No one is around to hear my conversation and even if anyone did I'm not saying enough out in the open. I'm not exposing the secret of what I am while I ask for the truths I don't know.

"Sammy," he turns to face me after having his back turned to me for the pass minute or two not saying a word. "Your father just wants what's best for you." he tries to stick up for my father and avoid the questions.

I almost wish I was there and not here living with my father because I liked living with my dad. I liked being away but it was only because I wanted to be with Roman. I left to have a life away from my father and what he thought was in my best interest to begin with. Dad on the other hand let me live with him but being there after felt like a constant dread. Roman wasn't there and I wanted to be back home where I grew up.

Though lately that's not what I want. I want to be away from here. I'm sick of being lied to and not told the whole truth. I know nothing about my family at the age of eighteen but how is that possible? Why is everything quiet? Why don't I remember being watched by someone as a little kid?

"Whose Arron?" I ask gaining an obvious look he knows who I'm asking about and wishes I wasn't.  "He was invited to the house last month with everyone else but I didn't get to talk to him until Isabelle's wedding. He said he used to babysit until I was five but I don't remember him." I add before he has a chance to deny knowing him or pretend it's not a big deal.

"He's a family friend." he says to my surprise not like father who didn't mention him at all.

Then again I didn't bring him up at the party or after Isabelle's wedding a few days ago. I said nothing remaining quiet around my father while questions build up inside my head. And once it boiled to the point I couldn't take it anymore, which happened today, I finally took off to the park to talk to my dad in private.

I turn away from my phone thinking about what I can say to get him to tell me more and it doesn't take long. My lips curl into a smile for what I'm going to say next,  "Like Oliver and the rest of the werewolves?"

"What are you trying to get at Sammy? You know they exist, we're friends with them. That isn't a secret anymore. Yes, Arron is a friend and he used to visit and help out before he moved away. I have talked to him a handful of times during the years since." he tries to explain to me and stop me from asking anything more but I'm going to.

"Why did he move away? Why don't I remember?" I question not letting it go because unlike my father I might be able to break my dad down to tell me the truth. I never asked about what I didn't know because I thought I knew everything when I lived with my dad. Apparently I was wrong and I should have asked questions. "You've lied to me all my life and-"

"Sammy, you've always known the truth. You grew up knowing by the time you could werewolves existed and lived in town. You knew until you were five and you went into the woods when you weren't suppose to."

"No....that's not true. I didn't know anything. You're lying." None of what he is saying is making sense. How could I have known and now I don't? Why wouldn't I remember? How can I forget? I have plenty of memories as a child. I remember a lot.

"You blocked it out because it's something you didn't want to remember. It wasn't something your father and I wanted you or your brothers knowing about at a young age. You have to understand we weren't lying to you. We told you the truth of werewolves but telling you again after you forgot wasn't something I wanted to traumatize you with. Not until you were older at least and you could understand like your brothers do now."

"Understand what? What could be so horrible I would forget? Is dad giving our kind to werewolves to feed on as part of their deal?" He doesn't say anything, "I was joking. I wasn't serious, that can't be it." I say waiting for him to tell me something else. Say anything but confirm what I thought deep down and didn't want to believe was true. It can't be true. Why would my father do that? Why would he let innocent lives be killed?

No, I don't want to know. I don't care to know.

I hang up the call wishing I never asked. I wish I never wanted to know the truth as much as I did. I wish the memory I blocked out at five wasn't coming back clear and vivid to me. Pulling me back and I want nothing to do with it. I don't want to know the dark truth about the rabbits and werewolves.

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