Chapter Twelve: Housewarming Party

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Two Weeks Later...


A knock at the door startles me as I pause my show, I was watching in the living room. No one is home except me, and I can't help but wonder what else Skylar has managed to order to the house. It seems like every day he's ordered something new for the baby and I can tell its driving River crazy. He wants him to stop but Skylar keeps finding new things he can't resist buying especially since they plan to move out soon and get their own place. I don't blame Skylar though if I was in his position, I would want only the best for my child too.

Like always, I'm reminded every time I see my niece that I would have had a baby around the same age if i hadn't lost the baby I was carrying but I'm happy for them. I may still get sad from time to time but I can't be sad forever. I need to move on and that's what I'm trying to do.

Another knock surprises me and I know it isn't a delivery. It can't be by the repetitive knocking that continues, and I wonder who could be at the door. Last I checked the time it was around noon and that wasn't too long ago. I have no idea who could be stopping by. Part of me considers not answering the door because surely if they knock long enough, they will take the hint no one is home and leave and I won't have to deal with the person behind the door. But then the other part of me knowing how immature that sounds forces me to walk over to the door and answer.

I open the door surprised to see Isabelle standing there with an envelope in her hand. "Hi, Thackery." she says overly happy to see me. Besides attending her wedding, I haven't seen her in a while. We aren't close friends though I have a feeling she is trying to be as she stands before me.

"Hey," I reply. curious to know why she decided to stop by.

"I was hoping you would be home." she smiles as her free hand plays with the bottom of her dress.

"You did?" I say dumbfounded.

"Well yeah of course. I wanted to invite you to my housewarming party." she hands me the pink envelope in her hand.

"Housewarming party?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, Tyler and I recently moved into our own house. My parents bought it for us as a wedding present and we just got everything moved in." she replies giddy and full of energy. "It's not anything huge just a few friends over to celebrate and I thought I would invite you. You can bring a friend if you want, Jasper?"

"Oh," I reply staring down at the ground.

"You don't have to be embarrassed Thackery. I see how much time you spend together you like each other. I mean come on you went to my wedding together."

"No," I shake my head, "I mean he likes me but it's not mutual."

"I don't see why not. You aren't with Roman anymore you can go out with someone. If you want to of course." she adds the last part as if second guessing herself. "I just know from experience it was nice getting out, being around people after I rejected Drew."

"I'm sorry." I apologize knowing it was because of me. Because of Drew attacking me Isabelle was forced to reject Drew and move on with her life.

"I never blamed you for it Thackery. It was bound to happen sooner or later with Drew's behavior. What happened to you was just the last straw and look at me now. I'm married to Tyler, and I couldn't be happier." she smiles, "Well I really hope you can make it. It's this Saturday and the address is on the invitation. If you have any questions, you can call or text me. It was nice talking to you Thackery."

"Yeah nice talking to you," I reply as she turns around heading to her car.


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