Roar! Just kidding Christian. How you feeling? She told me she was feeling better from yesterday. She was really tired from the pills that the doctor gave her.
A long day was yesterday or at least I thought it was. Me taking Christian to the hospital was really scary for me and probably Christian was scared out of her mind. I wish we could live forever and ever and not feel pain or die.
Ugh, I am starving of starvation. I need food. There hasn't been good around just old rotten scraps to eat nd no one would eat that.
Life of being lonely
Ficción GeneralThere was a girl named Alexis Carter that got abandoned by her parents when she was 10 years old. She was living on her own until she met someone named Christian Bate. Christian Bate suffers from stage 4 skin cancer. She was diagnosed with it 8 year...