chapter 8

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Skylar's pov

"Darcy come on its eight o'clock it's passed your bed time" harry tells darcy "no" she cries running to the couch struggling to get up "yes now none of this" he says picking her up "dada no" he walks upstairs telling me to follow we walk in he's room and sits darcy down on the bed, "mmm" Darcy calls me and points to the bed,I walk over and sit next to her "what's wrong" I ask her "sleep" she points down at the bed, "what you want me to sleep here?" I ask her and she nods smiling, I look over at harry and he is smirking, "well are you going yo sleep here" he grins, I can't say no infront of Darcy, but I can't sleep with Harry in the bed too that's weird, I look down at darcy and she is doing the cutest face ever how can I say no to that face, "ok" I tickle her, looks like it will be 3 in a bed.

I go to the bathroom and get changed putting my pyjamas on, I walk out the bathroom and see harry just in he's boxers, is he seriously going to sleep like that?, I look over at darcy and she is all cosy in her pyjamas watching some cartoons, I walk over to the bed and get in next to darcy and Harry gets in the other side so darcy is between us, "thanks for inviting me today, it was nice meeting your family and getting to know everyone " I tell him looking over "your welcome I liked having you here" he says giving me that cheesy grin.

He turns the TV off and darcy cuddles up between us, and Harry puts he's arm over us so he is holding me by the waist, and we drift of to sleep.

I wake up the next morning and Harry has an arm round me as my head is laying on his shoulder and his other arm supporting Darcy on his chest, how did I end up like this, I try to move out of his grip but it was impossible, I look up at Harry and his curls are messy and his mouth is slightly open not going to lie he looks hot when he is sleeping, I wait a bit longer and then i feel him move slightly, I look up and his green eyes are looking down at me "morning " he smiles "morning " I say sitting up stretching "good night?" he asks me while laying Darcy down in the middle of the bed so she doesn't roll out, "yeah " I smile at him.

I walk out the bathroom after having a quick wash and fresh my self up, as I walk out I see Harry in his boxers "like what you see?" he asks walking over to me and pics me up "Harry put me down" I laugh "no" he laughs and trips over one of Darcy's toys, so we both fall on the floor him on top of me, both of us laughing our heads off "harry, get off" I say in between laughs, I was laughing so much it went to a silent laugh and Harry was just laughing at me "no not until you say, harry is the hottest man I've ever seen " he says smirking at me and leaning further down so our foreheads are touching, "ok ok harry is the hottest man I've ever seen" I laugh shoving him of me so I can finally breath, "see that wasn't so hard" he smirks getting up and giving me a hand to get up, and for a moment I really wished I had his lips on mine.. I look over and see darcy laying down playing with a teddy.
"morning monster " I smile tickling her belly, I pick her up and we go down stairs following harry in to the kitchen "morning, I made pancakes " Anne smiles putting the pancakes on our plates.

We all sit down and eat breakfast darcy sitting on harrys lap picking at her pancake on her plate with her little hands, also shoving some in harrys mouth,"so what are your plans for today? " Anne asks us "not sure we might go to the mall show sky around here" harry says, "you will love that mall there are some really nice make up shops you will love and clothes shops" Anne tells me, " well I will definitely check that out " I smile at her and I hear Harry groan, I guess he doesn't like make up shops.

Once we are all dressed, Harry in he's usual black jeans and a tshirt, Darcy in a pink tutu and a grey t-shirt tucked in saying ' found my Prince his name is daddy' that's so cute, and I was wearing a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans with a white t-shirt with my supper starts.

We get to the mall and I soon spot a makeup shop and I drag harry in there with me, him pushing the stroller "how much makeup do you need?" he asks me picking up some mascara and looking at it weirdly like it's an alien, "a girl can never have too much makeup harry" I tell him and he is still examining the tube of mascara, "harry" I laugh " that's for you eyes " I tell him, "pink" darcy points to the all the little different pots of pink nail Polish on the shelf, "do you want that?" I ask her and she smiles showing her dimples just like her father.

After I buy my makeup I spot a really cute baby clothes store, and we walk in looking at all the cute clothes, anyone would think I've never seen baby clothes before, but there just so cute, "oh my good look how cute Harry " I tell him holding up a really tiny baby dress, we walk around the whole shop looking at all the different baby stuff, I buy Darcy some really cute dresses and toys Harry telling me not to pay that he will pay but I wanted to because it's something from me.

After shopping and walking round all the shops we head back to Anne's house, we walk in harry heading straight upstairs carrying a sleeping Darcy to bed, I walk in the kitchen "oh you are back, I didn't hear you come in, I'm making a roast dinner are you guys staying?" she asks "yeah we will stay, I don't think we leave til later tonight anyway, because of less traffic or something like that" I tell her while I get the mats and glasses to lay the table, and Harry walks in and helps me, "where's the little one?" Anne asks leaning on the counter drinking her wine "she fell asleep on the way back but she should be awake soon" Harry tells her.

After about 20 minutes the dinner is ready and Harry helps dish up, we hear the baby monitor go of and I look over at Harry and he has his hands full, "I'll go" I tell him "thanks"

I walk upstairs into Harry's room and I see Darcy in the middle of the bed with cushions round her so she doesn't fall, "hello baby" I smile picking her up and she just snuggles her face in my neck still a bit sleepy, I walk back down stairs in the kitchen and Gemma is back from her friends "my little Darcy" she says running over to see her but she just hides her face further into my neck "wow i just got rejected by my niece" she laughs sitting back down at the table, "hey what's wrong" Harry says walking over looking at Darcy and she starts crying clinging on to my neck not even wanting to go with Harry.

We walk in the living room and I sit next to him "mamaa" she cries, I look at Harry and he looks down in disappointment, I look at Darcy and her cheeks are all in tears, "mama" she cries again and Harry takes her in his arms and storms out the house leaving me sat there confused.

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