Chapter 31

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Skylars pov

"Ouch" he hisses as I clean his cuts, "Harry stop being a baby" I huff pulling his hand back towards me so I can do a better job "what did you even do for them to be this bad" I ask him and he just strugs, he is sat on the edge of the bath right now so I can clean him up, I had to drag him in here because he didn't want me to touch them "done" I say as I throw the cotonwall bits in the bin "thanks " he plants a kiss on my lips standing up walking back in to the bedroom.

It's 5 o'clock and I am shattered this night has been a long one! From him storming out for 50 minutes having me worried sick to him coming back sorting things out and then having heated sex! I get in bed and Harry pulls me in to his chest tight, this right here is what I want.

I wake up to Harry moving slightly and then putting the blanket over me, "Haz?" I mumble squinting my eyes from the sun shining through slightly, "morning, I didn'tmean to wake you" he says coming towards me kissing my temple causing me to smile "I just can't wait any longer I need to see my princess" he says rushing to her room me following behind, we walk in her room and a lean on the door frame admiring them both, he wakes her up gently and it takes her a few minutes to process what's going on "dada" she smiles shyly rubbing her eyes "morning princess" he smiles at her and she stands up on her little baby's bed climbing on his lap wraping her arms around his neck still a bit sleepy, this melts my heart, I grab my phone and take a quick picture and I post it on my instagram 'reuniting, this melts my heart' I put a black and white filter on it and press post.

I go back to our bedroom leaving them two in there for some alone time and I get dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a plain white tshirt "mama" Darcys giggles running into the bedroom and Harry chasing her like always causing me to smile "whats wrong? " Harry asks concerned as I sit down on the bed, my head in between my knees "I'm not feeling to good, I feel sick and dizzy " I mumble and I quickly run to the bathroom to be sick, "babe? Are you ok?" I hear him say as he comes by my side and rubs my back, and I just nod in response standing back up feeling dizzy "have you eaten anything? You need to eat you know that " he says knowing that I haven't eaten this morning "I know but it will make me trow up again" I tell him as I clean myself up " you need to eat, no excuses" he says as he holds me by the waist guiding me down the stairs.

"Here, drink this and I will make you a nice fruit salad your favourite " he says as he hands me a herbal tea "thank you" I smile as I sip the tea sitting on the stool my elbows lent on the counter top, this is pure medicine "oh I need to call your mum and ask how your dad is doing" I say getting my phone "and don't let me forget to phone Stacey later about the salon and I also need to get in contact with Joe about the hair product samp-" I say before getting cut of " you don't need to do anything, stop stressing" he says taking my phone and replacing it with my bowl of fruit salad "leave the salon business down to me ok? And about my dad, he is feeling better he has a blood test tomorrow though" he says giving Darcy her bowl of cereal "and I'm sorry about yesterday " he comes beside me picking me up sitting me on the counter top my mouth full of fruit causing me to giggle and he stands in between my legs "you didn't deserve that worry last night and I'm sorry, I have been a dick the whole time I have been away causing you stress and causing you to be ill and you don't need none of that , I promise I will make it up to you with a holiday or anything you want" he says "Haz you don't have to say sorry, I shouldn't of made you angry or- " he cuts me of leaning down kissing my lips "mmm fruity" he smiles liking his lips "you dork" I laugh at him.

"Are you feeling better," he asks as he enters the living room carrying Darcy "yeah just a little head ache, that's all" I smile at him from the sofa as he puts Darcy down "right, I have spoken to this Joe for you, and he said that the samples will be ready for next week that he will let you know and he will send them straight to the salon that you don't have to worry about nothing, and I have also spoken to Stacey too and she said it's all under control " he smiles at me "I can't thank you enough " I tell him and he lays down on my lap "I can't wait for the baby to come" he says as he kisses my belly causing me to smile "well there is a long way yet" I tell him and he pouts "don't ruin the mood" he says and I laugh.

I wake up on the sofa Harry and Darcy also asleep cuddled up next to me, I check the time and it's four o'clock, I get up quietly not wanting to wake them up, I go upstairs and do my hair and makeup, we really need to go shopping because we literally have nothing here. I grab my phone and do a live "hi guys" I say "sorry I'm whispering, Darcy and Harry are asleep down stairs" I tell them as I read comments "why don't you post daily vlogs anymore?" I read "I won't be doing daily vlogs no more it's just because I am super busy and I have no time to edit them I'm sorry, but I will be posting videos and you might see a prank coming soon I don't know what do you think?" I tell them, I used to post daily vlogs but now it's harder,one I don't have time to edit them, and two, because now I need to keep things private and keep Darcy and my family safe it makes sense... "do a prank on Harry, definitely on Harry, Harry, on Charlotte or Harry " I read "ok well as you guys know I am known as a joker so I will keep all your comments in mind" I tell them.

After 20 minutes going live I go back down stairs and wake Darcy up because otherwise she won't sleep tonight, "Darcy baby" I whisper and she rubs her eyes waking up, she is the cutest thing ever, I pick her up and she rests her head on my shoulder still a bit sleepy, I grab a blanket and put it over Harry before walking out the room.

" are you hungry? " I ask her walking into the kitchen and she nods, i sit her on the counter top and I make her a ham sandwich as she plays with some spoons, I feel a pair of arms rap around me and I immediately knew it was Harry , he starts kissing my neck causing me to shiver and he laughs "stop" I laugh pushing him away , he is such a dork "I am going food shopping, there is nothing here " I tell him "I'll come with you let me just get a tshirt on and I will get Darcy dressed". He says as he goes upstairs.

Once Darcy has finished her sandwich I clean her up and Harry gets her dressed while I put my shoes on "ready?" He asks as he comes down stairs with Darcy on his hip "yeah" i grab my car keys to my land Rover and I get in the drivers seat as Harry straps Darcy in.

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