Chapter 22

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Eleanors pov

"Last night was awesome" Charlotte says sitting on the other side of the room "I know right and my hangover isn't so bad" I tell her. We are all currently in the hotel room and it's eleven o'clock, I'm sat criss cross on the bed whilst skylar is asleep next to me "sky hardly drunk and she was throwing up a lot" Charlotte says "I know por woman" I tell her and just then my phone starts ringing and it's Harry "hi Harry " I say as I answer the call "hey is sky awake? I have been phoning her and it goes straight to answering machine" he says "she is asleep at the moment she had a let's say tough night" I laugh "her phone has no battery" I continue saying "is she okay?" He asks "yeah she hardly drank last night so I don't know why she is this hangover" I tell him "ok well you look after my girl ok" he says and I knew he was smiling just by thinking of her "I will do Harry you have nothing to worry about " I smile through the phone.

"How are you feeling?" Charlotte asks sky as she wakes up "like shit"she mumbles as she lays back down making us both laugh "come on laying down all day won't help, here drink this" I tell her handing her some water "you have got to admit it was a good night" Charlotte says grinning making sky mumble god knows what "girls I feel really sick, it doesn't even feel like a hangover, I just feel sick I don't know " she says sitting up slowly .

Skylars pov

I woke up feeling like shit! I don't know why, I have been sick twice since I've been awake and I just want to snuggle up in bed with Harry and Darcy! "Hey sky?" Charlotte says sitting on the bed next to el "hhmm?" I mumble turning towards them "have you ever thought you might be pregnant? " she asks "what? No of course not, I'm on birth control I-...shit" nonono I say to myself "what?" They say "I didn't take the pills that week, I-I I so much on my mind and I don't think I took them!" I panic "skylar stop panicking OK? It's going to be alright " El says "we had sex about a week ago and the next morning Harry said that we didn't use condom and I knew that, I told him to not worry that I'm on the pill and you could see the relif on his face! But thinking about it now no I didn't take the pills that week I haven't taken them for a while it hasnt even crossed my mind" I continue saying "and what if I am?" I ramble "sky shut up panicking OK? Look the first thing you need to do is take a test and if you are pregnant the alcohol wouldn't of harmed the baby trust me I have a cousin and she got pissed and she didn't know she was pregnant at the time and she told her midwife and she said that it doesn't harm the baby on early days" El says and I nod "I will be right back I'm going to the corner shop" Charlotte says and she rushes out the door. "What if it's positive El? " I ask her and she comes and sits closer to me giving me a hug "if it's positive then you are getting a plane to England tonight and you tell Harry" she says and I nod "now go and get a shower" she smiles at me.

I get out the shower and put on my comfy bottoms with a tank top, "here" Charlotte says as i walk out the bathtoom handing me a bag containing the pregnancy tests "take them both" she says and I walk back in the bathroom, once I pee on it I just have to wait 3 minutes, the longest 3 minutes of my life! "Can we come in" El says knocking on the door "yeah " I sit on the toilet and wait "what are you scared about?" El asks me, and to be honest I don't know "everything" I huff "mostly Harry" I say putting my face in my hands "the 3 minutes are up" Charlotte says and I get up slowly picking the two tests up, I look down and read the writing "positive" i say out loud and they both come towards me hugging me smiling and before I know it I'm crying, happy tears "right get your stuff all together I'll book the earliest flight!" She says as she grabs her laptop.

Everything is going to fast, not long ago I was in bed feeling sick having no clue what was wrong with me and now I'm on the plane back home, I told Harry that I wasn't feeling to good and that's why I'm heading home and he will be at the airport to pick me up, once I get of the plane I head to the security officials and show my passport, I grab my suitcase and head to customs, I look around and I soon spot Harry "babe" I say as I walk towards him and he pulls me in for a hug "I missed you" I tell him hugging him tighter "me too"he says not pulling out of the hug.

We walk out the airport and there are fans and paparazzi and Harry quickly holds me tight "Harry Harry over here" Harry" "Harry can I get a photo with you" "Sky you are so pretty" they say as we walk out the doors and Harry stops to take some quick photos with his fans but not letting go of his grip.

"How are you feeling" he asks me as we are in the car his hand on my thigh "still shit" I tell him "well once you get to mine we can snuggle up on the sofa and watch whatever you want" he says "sounds perfect" I smile at him, the rest of the journey was me thinking of how to tell him, I'm scared, really scared "Darcy is waiting for you" he says as he pulls in his drive "my little cupcake!" I say, I quickly get out of the car and go inside ready to find Darcy, "my little monkey " I say and she runs towards me and I pick her up kissing her entire face making her giggle "hi Gemma" I say as I give her a quick hug.

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