Chapter 34

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Skylars pov

It's been almost two months, yeah two months without seeing Harry, it's been hard but I needed to get better, to feel confident with myself and I am thankful he understood.

The last time I saw Darcy was a month ago, Gemma came round the day Harry was at the D unkirk premier and it was nice seeing them both especially Darcy, she clinged on to me like a koala the whole time they were here, it was lovely. Since I am back on my phone and social media Harry and I now talk everyday but I don't know where we stand if I'm honest...

Today is a new day and I am feeling confident with myself. I got an email the other week saying that Ellen is doing her show in London for a week and she wants me to be on there and I am quite exited. It will be the first time that they have seen me since my you could say disappearance but I'm ready to tell them and explain everything, why and what happened.

I go to the studios and they do my hair and  makeup, they choose my outfit and it's a beautiful long red dress with a slit on the side and a deep v neck, I must admit it isn't something I would choose myself for an interview or for anywhere but it's beautiful,"skylar you will be on in 5 minutes" one of the crew members say coming up to me as I just do my last minute touches. They put the mike on me and before I know it Ellen is calling me on stage. 

"Well hello, thank you for coming today and I must say you look stunning" Ellen says as I sit down after giving her a hug "thank you so much and thank you for inviting me on the show i feel lucky" I laugh "yeah you should feel lucky" she jokes causing everyone to laugh "and welcome to London too by the way" I tell her causing the audience to cheer more "thank you, it's lovely here it really is" she smiles

 "so Skylar, how are you? And what have you been up to we haven't heard anything of you and don't get me wrong you wanted to tell us something right?" She asks "well I am feeling great and yes I have kept a low profile and that's why I wanted to come on this show to mainly talk about anxiety and depression because I feel like it's something that isn't spoken about enough,having anxiety, depression... is nothing to be ashamed of" I start of to say the whole audience applauding.

"I have suffered anxiety since I was young and I have always had it but always seemed to ignore it until I was getting worse and worse by not speaking to someone.I was surrounded by people who love me and people who make me laugh and on the inside i still wasn't 100% I was gradually getting more panic attacks and it was something I was a shamed of but Harry taught me not to and I am so thankfull for him" I smile and the audience and Ellen clap.

"And how are you now?" She asks "I am great, I feel more confident and I learnt how to love myself more, My anxiety is with me everyday but I no longer let that define me as a person. I took my time away from my phone away from social media away from everything and it's what I needed " I smile "we are so happy that you are doing better, there is also a subject that I don't know if you want to talk about..." she trails of to saying "yeah, eeh- yeah" I think what to say "so basically we found out we were pregnant and we were over the moon about it we couldn't of been happier" I say and they all cheer "and we went for our seventh week scan and they couldn't find a heart beat, I had a missed miscarriage" I tell them holding back my tears "and that's when I went down hill, it was like the last straw, but looking back now I'm thankful because there was a problem with the fetus and I'm glad whatever needed to happen happened and it could of been so much worse,it just wasn't meant to be" I explain causing them to cheer more "wow what wise words, you are so inspiring" Ellen says causing me to smile "so you have done a campaign tell us about that" "yeah its young minds, basically children, teenagers and even young adults. I have met young minds that are going through exactly that and it's heart braking knowing that at least 3 children in every classroom are going through mental health and this campaign is to be listened to, because every voice is important, we are leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges, and YoungMinds exists so that young people have the strongest possible voice in improving their mental health. We need your help to make sure that voice is heard" I tell them proud leaving them all amazed "wow you are just amazing seriously, no wonder why Harry is so in love with you" she jokes causing me to smile, "that is a really nice thing to do you are amazing, and that's why shutter fly wants to give you a check of 30.000 pounds for your campaign " she says handing me the check causing me to be in tears "oh my god Ellen" I say giving her a hug whiping my tears away, "thank you so much" I tell her "you deserve it" she smiles. "Ok so there is one thing everyone wanted me to ask you?" She tells me and I nod for her to carry on "are you and Harry together?" She asks me, how couldn't I guessed " to be honest  there is no yes or no answer to that " I tell them leaving ellen confused causing the audience to laugh "you are just as confusing as him" she jokes referring to his confusing answers making everyone laugh.

"OK so we are back with the beautiful and amazing skylar winters" she says after the comercial brake " and we are going to play a game of never have I ever" she says handing me a padel "I am dreading this" I groan causing everyone to laugh "so you know how it works, I just hope you are 100% honest with us all just like Harry was" she jokes causing everyone to laugh "ok so never have I ever broken something at someone's house and never told them" she asks "oh yeah of course" I laugh turning the padel round to I HAVE "you have? Who?" She laughs in shock  "at my best friends house, I broke one of her China things I can't remember what it's called but she blamed it on her little sister" I tell them and they all laugh "that isn't a very nice thing to do" Ellen jokes causing me to laugh "ok never have I ever had a one night stand" she giggles "what kind of questions are these" I tell her and they laugh waiting for my answer and I hesitantly turn my padel round to I have "oh really, want to tell us the story?" Ellen laughs "no, just that I was 19 and I was drunk and it was a mistake " I joke "never have I ever flirted with someone that was taken" she says and I turn my padel round guilty to I have " can I just say, he was flirting with me whilst taken so it wasn't my fault " I laugh causing her to shake her head " ok last one never have I ever cheated on my partner?" She asks "never ever ever " I say turning my padel round proudly to never. "Well it was nice having you on the show, hopefully we will get to see each other soon" she says "thanks for having me " I thank her and the audience cheers as I go backstage.

I take the dress of and put comfortable clothes on and head to Ryans, by the time I get to his apartment it's 4 o'clock I head up the stairs and knock on his door "oh hey ky" he says as he opens the door "hey" I smile at him "what are you doing here " he asks awkwardly "nice to see you too" I joke "well can I come in?" I ask confused as he just stands in the door way "oh yeah sure" he says awkwardly letting me pass,ok he is a weirdo... I walk in and I turn my head towards the sofa and Harry is sitting there.

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