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At evening, we spot a small coffee shop near the mountain/volcano. We stop and order noodles and soup. As we eat, the shopkeeper turns on his oldish television and watches the news. The connection is very bad, there's a lot of static and other noises other than the news reporter. We continue eating until we hear the shopkeeper shout.

All I can say is that it sounded like a cuss word.

I think he recognises Yin-Jun as a fellow Japanese, because he looks at him and say something. I hear the exchange between both of them, although I can't understand them. The owner shifts his television to face us. There's a live footage of... The Rogues.

The video shows a group of twenty or more Americans, a mix of well-built men, with only a few women. They stride along the road, the street looks like an earthquake hit it. Building are down, and I see a few people in the background hiding. As the group nears the newscaster and her crew, they start of back off and the video cuts to the host back in the HQ.

"They're in Tokyo," Yin-Jun gravely states.


Soon, we are in the capital of Japan. It's just a two hour bus ride to Tokyo. The bus was pretty empty, though. When we step off the bus, the place is pretty much empty. There are not many cars here, other than the bus we came here in. I think the government evacuated the people.

We walk on, depending on Yin-Jun to guide us to the attack site. The fact that the buildings around us looks more and more damaged, and the cracks in the streets, tell us that we are getting warmer. Now, there is literally no one left here, but us. Are we too late? We continue walking down the road nonetheless. I feel a little overwhelmed, anxious. I didn't expect to fight or intervene the Rogues so soon. I mean, I only sparred with Jared a few times, and Edward didn't really tell us what we have to do if we see a Rogue. I-

The building in front of us explodes. The white-orange light scars my eyes, and the blast knocks us over. I'm carried in the air, I think my body is flipped in the process, and that's how I land on my stomach. My cheeks scrape against the asphalt ground, and my limbs all crash onto the road at the same time. I taste blood in my mouth. I cough a little and I feel the thick, congested blood clog up my throat. I shake off the pain, and I try to stand. All I can manage to do is to kneel on one knee. 

I hear a gasp. It's FP. Her left arm is bent... it's bent the other wa- I quickly move to her side as she squeezes her shoulders, and stifles a sharp cry. "Oh no, FP..." I manage to blurt out. There's so much blood... "Edward!" I yell. "Help! FP's hurt, I... she's broken her arm!" Edward is lying on the floor, but he doesn't look so bad. I grab him and pull him up, and I push him to FP. "Help her," I almost cry. Edward immediately presses his hands on the broken bones, and FP shout. I bite my lower lip, and I grimace as the bent arm heals, FP is still crying. It's over in a second, and she hugs Edward. I lean over to her and ask, "Does it still hurt?" She shakes her head but she still looks like she's injured. She grabs my hand and I also help her to stand. That's when I realise the others are also fine, they're sitting up, trying to shake off the pain . 

"Is everyone okay?" Edward says. I hear murmurs of yea's and I glance around at everyone to make sure. 

I'm the first to get up and I squint at the burning house, the heat uncomfortably sweltering, and I see a figure walk out the flames, completely unharmed, and joined but five more who step out from behind a wall on the opposite side of the street.

"What are you doing here?" The guy who emerges from the fire shouts.

Earth Bound (#Wattys2016 entry)Where stories live. Discover now