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It starts off as a small silver blob in the distance, reflecting some blasts of sunlight. Then it grows bigger, and then I'm able to make the shape of the car out. The air behind the car is smoky grey, and the smog billows into a large, translucent cloud that tails behind the vehicle. I'm so excited, my hearts starts leaping as I stand up, grimacing the shocking pain zapping my entire leg. I stretch and arm out and put up a thumbs up. I hope the people inside can see me. My right arm is still stuck straight out and my left is waving madly, desperately hoping that I'll be able to grab the driver's attention. 

I can't tell if they're able to see me.

In a few seconds, the distance between the car and where I'm standing is about a twenty metres away. I can now clearly make out the car's shape and the driver. I think it's a woman, sitting behind the wheel of a silver Toyota. There's another woman sitting in the passenger seat and as the car zooms even closer, I can the the latter pointing in my direction and tapping the driver's shoulder. 

Oh my god, I can't believe it, they see me! I wave both my arms now, high above my head. The car's blinkers turn red as they stop next to me I drag myself to the car and hold on to the door for support. The two women look at me, puzzled at why there's a boy stranded out here in the middle of nowhere. The woman on the left winds down her window and takes a look at me, while the driver pulls up the handbrake. 

"I... Thank you so much, I, er, I need to... can I hitch a ride?" I manage to stutter out. It's hard to talk because my throat is parched, I feel like I'm burning.

"Sure thing, mate," the driver yells across to me. "Just, where you going, kid?"

"Anywhere away from Oregon," I say.

"Great, we're just about to go to to California. It's about a 12 hour drive in this old thing, you okay?' The driver suddenly asks when I press on my thigh, and my vision goes blurry. I squeeze my eyes shut before shaking it off and out on a smile to convince them I'm fine.

"Come on in little dude," the woman in the passenger seat says, before adding, "Need some help with that leg?" I shake my head and climb on in.

Earth Bound (#Wattys2016 entry)Where stories live. Discover now