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"We'll have to tell her once she wakes up. It's important for her to know who she really is" said the familiar voice. I opened my eyes slowly and noticed that I was in a plane seat. A quite luxurious one, the seats were more like sofas and there was a mini coffee table in the middle of the room. Sabrine was sitting in a corner with Aurora on her lap and Meridite was beside her. "You're awake," said a male voice behind me.

I looked up to find a good-looking man in an all-black suit looking at me. "You must be hungry,"   he asked, I nodded and he went into a cabin. "Adelaide, how are you feeling?", Meridite asked handing me a glass of water. "A little dizzy but I'm okay". The man was back with a bowl of soup and bread. He placed it in front of me and smiled at me. "If you need anything just call me. My name is Maxime.", he walked back to his cabin. I looked down and the bowl and looked back at them. 'Eat first, we will talk later,' said Meredite.

After eating Sabrine came to me and gave me my medicines and a letter from my mother. "Florence wrote it. Please read it, it's important". I nodded and took the letter.
As I opened it, some blue petals fell and turned into dust on my lap. Just as I was about to clean it, it turned into smoke and surrounded me. I started feeling sleepy and then everything blacked out.

When I opened up my eyes, I was in a garden full of that blue petal flower. A woman was sitting on a bench wearing a white floral dress and a hat with flowers. She had long and shiny black hair. As she turned to me, I realized that she was my mother, Florence. She smiled at me and motioned me to sit down next to her. As I did, she took my hand and put a beautiful key heart-shaped locket with the initials A.O.R on it. When I opened it, there were pictures of a couple and two girls in each section.
"That's Queen Genevieve and King Theodore", she told me. "And that's Princess Daniela and you, Adelaide". I was astonished to see my real parents. They look so happy. "Your sister, Daniela is alive and is already with your parents". Daniela was alive and well.
"Then who are you? Why aren't I with my parents like Daniela? Why wasn't I aware of all this? And why now, what do they want from me?"
I was bombarding her with questions.

She looked at me, tears in her eyes, and said: "I am your mother's most trusted friend just like Sabrine and Meredite. The three of us were supposed to look after your sister and you until it was safe enough for you both to join them back. But with hunters behind our back, it became difficult for us to carry out our tasks. I am not a werewolf-like Sabrine and Meredite. I am an enchantress. That is I have magical powers. I am the one who hid all your memories of your life in the palace and replaced them with Daniela and me."

"Adelaide, you are a Lycan. The most powerful breed of wolves. You cannot feel your power yet because it has been blocked. I will unlock your powers once you reach the palace. Let me tell you more about our world. We live in a world full of mystical creatures like fairies, vampires, werewolves, banshees, and other creatures. You cannot see them without using your special sight in your human form. Your parent's life was threatened by hunters. They are humans with the ability to see us without any power. It's in their bloodline. It was for your safety that your parents handed you to me your security and made sure no one ever get to know about you.

That is why we had to leave the country and settle here in Austria. There are many packs of wolves around the world and all of them are controlled by the Royal Blood, that is your family. Every mystical creature has a Queen and a King who are immortals." 

She paused and said: "These packs are controlled by an Alpha and Luna, who are the leaders but have to follow a special training before attaining this post. Either you are born to be an Alpha or you have to defeat the Alpha and win the title. But only true Alphas are more powerful than the rest of the pack. Then there are Betas, they are the right-hands of Alphas. They are chosen by the Alpha and are usually the siblings or the friends of the Alpha. After that, you have pack warriors. They ensure the safety of everyone."

"Finally there are rogues, they are mystical creatures from all magic world who have been banned by either Alphas or even Royals to live with their packs or anywhere near them. They are dangerous and unfaithful," she said.
"You are the next  Queen, to rule and Daniela will be ruled by your side. You will have to be trained before being able to take that responsibility."
"I am the youngest one, shouldn't I be a Beta?" I asked confused.
"Your father's brother who ruled Eros died together with his entire family. So you are the one who has been chosen to rule there. Your sister will be Queen of Auria. You together with your sister, you shall be the next rulers. Also, there's something you need to know. You girls are linked to each other. You become more powerful when you are together."

" Don't worry, everything will be clearer when we will meet. Now I have to go. I will meet you at the airport. Remember we love you", she said before getting up and walking toward a bright light.

Soon everything darkened and again I slowly fell asleep.

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