Back To Origins (Part 2)

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When I woke up, Aurora was sitting in front of me playing with her doll.
"Hi Aurora, how are you?" I asked.
"I am good, and you? Did you sleep well?"
"Oh, I did. So how old are you already?"
"I'm 4 years old. Mommy said you have babies in your belly. Can I talk to them?"
"Yes, I have three little babies in there. Go ahead, talk to them," I said gladly, pointing to my belly.

"Hi babies, my mommy said that when you come out, I will be able to play with you. We will have a lot of fun. I have to go now. Goodbye, see you later," she said then kissed my belly.

"She is really impatient to play with them," Sabrine said as she came and sat in front of me.
"Why didn't you tell me about your daughter? For all these years, you hid it from me. Why?"
"I couldn't. Her life would have been in danger and I couldn't risk it," she said.
I felt terrible, knowing Sabrine and Meredite had to go through so much because of me.

"You must know something important. Your pregnancy is different from others. It lasts at least four months, because of your royal blood."
I learned a lot about myself for the day.

"When are we landing?" I asked.
"In a few hours, we will stop to Dubria. You can shop a little there and then we'll take the royal jet to the palace. You've been sleeping a lot. Nearly ten hours ever since we entered. You should walk around a little. Go and take a shower and change into some more comfortable clothes. Maxime will serve food. You can also watch television if you want. If you need anything just call me. I'll be giving Aurora a bath in the other bathroom.

I went into the room and found it quite cozy. There was a single bed with my clothes laid on it. I went into the bathroom and took a bubble bath.

It was so relaxing that I lost track of time. Someone knocked at the door and said,
"Adel, are you in there? It's me Sabrine."
"Yeah, I'm here. I fell asleep. I'll be out in a minute."
"Okay, we are waiting for you."
I got out of the tub and rinsed myself. After I got ready, I went back to the lounge and saw Meridite and Sabrine sitting around a table, chatting.

"Sorry, I'm late. Where's Aurora?" I asked Sabrine.
"It's okay. She went to sleep. Don't worry, once she wakes up you can play with her."
I nodded and sat at the table Maxime came with three plates of delicacies and put them on the table.
"I'm not feeling nauseous anymore. Why is that?"
"I mixed a remedy in your soup to help you a little bit. Don't worry it's safe for werewolves and Lycans," Maxime said.
"But he was a human, so these babies will be humans... Right?"
"No, don't forget that your genes are much stronger than any human. So your children will be born hybrids but their wolf side will be dominating. Also, you should stop worrying, we will land in Dubria in a few hours so eat your dinner. We have a lot to teach you about your family," Sabrine said.

After dinner, we sat down and talked about my Family. The Romanov.
"So what you need to know is that you have a brother. His name is Eugene. He is younger than you, maybe 3 years old. He was born after so many years because your parents were afraid that someone might harm him. Also, you should know that there are other people living in the palace. You have your uncle Johnson, he is the Alpha of the village of the kingdom, your father's cousin and his wife, Kathleen is the Luna. They have a son, Damian who will be the next to rule once he finds his mate and two daughters, Veronica and Judith. Both are 10 years old. Then there's Maureen, she is your father's youngest sister. She hasn't found her mate yet so she looks after the children. Lastly, we have the palace caretakers, I would have listed their names but you won't remember all of them."

"How am I going to get my memories back. I mean I don't remember anything."
"Only one person can help you. And that's Florence. She was the one who cast a spell on you, so only she can reverse it," Meridite said.
"I think this will help you. It's a book about every creature in the magic world. You'll learn a lot about them," Sabrine said, handing me a small, black, hardcover book.
"Thank you."

Maxime handed me a comforter and I went back in my room to read the book.    

Aurora's picture above. (imagine her a little younger than the photo)

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