Chapter Two: The Hospital

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   I sneezed and groaned. Here I was in the hospital with a horrible head cold and a few horrible injuries. Those two things didn't suit me well in the least. How did I get them? Simple.

   I yawned in happiness. It was Saturday and there was no school. So I was lounging around the house with Kiku. Then came Lambo. I didn't mind him really but Kiku absolutely adored him to death and he adored her.

   "Lambo wants to play!" Lambo cried. I looked at him and then closed my eyes, "No." I replied. He didn't like that answer. "Lambo wants to play!" He yelled again.



"Forget it."


"For the last time, NO!"


   After that Lambo began to sniffle and I felt somewhat bad. Well, that was until he took out a huge ass bazooka and put it to his head. "Lambo!" I cried out and leapt forward.

   Pink smoke exploded and I smacked into something very firm. "Oh my, it seems my younger self has lost his temper again." A deeper voice said. I looked up and saw an older guy with curly black hair and one eye closed. Naturally I did what any self respecting confused woman would do and screamed. 

   "Whoa! Hold on there Suzu! Calm down-Ow- It's me, Lambo!"  The older man cried. I looked at him and glared, "No you're not. The Lambo I know is only five frickin years old and in a cow suit!"

"I assure you I'm him! Ow!"

"Prove it!"

"Around this time is when you caught me wearing one of your red lacy bras on my head!"

   I immediately stopped hitting him and then looked at him. He was right, I had just caught Lambo wearing one on his head, that exact one, just yesterday.

   Sitting up he then sat up and I glared at him, "Ok, so how are you older then?" I inquired. Lambo sighed, "Well, the Ten Year Bazooka allows me to switch place with my present time self for all of five minutes."

   My gaze then lightened, "Oh, ok." I said. We sat there for a second before someone cleared their throat. I looked over and saw that Tsuna was looking at me funny. "What?" I asked. "Why are you straddling TYL Lambo?" He asked.

   I looked down to see that I was indeed straddling the boy and blushed a million shades of red. I jumped up and then appologized to Lambo. Lambo in return just smirked, "I didn't mind it to tell you the truth." He said.

   If it was possible I blushed further and then kicked him upside his head, "Pervert!" and then immediately as he was flying through the air a puff of pink smoke happened and the Lambo I knew was back.

   "" He mumbled and then threw a grenade out of nowhere at me. Unfortunately I didn't duck away in time and I managed to pretty much get blown up. Once the smoke cleared I was laying on the floor.

   "Sis!" Tsuna yelled and then ran over and dropped to his knees by me. I groaned and looked up in time to see Reborn kick Tsuna in the head. "Bosses are supposed to take care of their subbordinates and even more so their family." He said when Tsuna questioned him on as to what that kick was for.

   I groaned again and then Dino came in to see me on the floor. "Oh god! We need to get her to the hospital!" He cried as he picked me up. Unfortunately none of his 'family' was here and he tripped over the coffee table and down we went.

   At the sound of the door sliding open I looked over and was shocked to see a cerain Demon coming into my room. Behind him was Kusakabe with a bunch of books and papers as well as pencils, pens, and a calculator in his arms.

"Herbivore, just because you're in the hospital does not mean that you can just loaf around. Here's your school work so get on it." Hibari ordered as he sat down in the chair by my bed.

   "Sure, but what are you doing?" I asked. Hibari looked at me with his steely eyes and I felt myself blush a tiny bit. "I'll be here to make sure that you don't skip on your work. Now get started or I'll bite you to death." He replied as Kusakabe gave me my work and left.

   I smiled at him and then quickly began to do my homework and classwork. However when I got to math I was immediately stuck.

   I looked around and then Hibari looked over at me, "What Herbivore?" He growled. I smiled sheepishly and held up my math book, "Eh... I'm kinda stuck." I said. Hibari huffed but then got up to see what I was dealing with. 

   "Herbivore, you're stupid. This stuff is very easy to comprehend." He told me and then began to explain it to me with a lot of glares and growling.

   In the better course of an hour I finally understood what he was telling me after I worked out a few problems. We had even made a pretty sadistic game. For each question that I got wrong then Hibari would add a day of detention and whack me with his tonfa. For each one I got right I got to have a free pass from Hibari's beatings at school.

   For once I could see that he was actually having as much fun as I was for once. "Ok, this is the last question so here we go." I said. We both began solving it and then once we were both done I then went to the back of the book to check it.

   However I frowned since Hibari got it right and I didn't... I sighed and then felt the smack of his tonfa. I swayed slightly but easily got back into focus. "Well, it seems that I have a week of detention..." I sighed.

   Hibari grunted and then we fell silent. The silence however was broken when I coughed yet again. Ugh, I hated to be sick.

   The door to my room opened again and Tsuna came in with Yammamoto, Ryohei and and unethusiastic Gokudera. He stopped short though at the sight of Hibari sitting next to me. "Tsu-kun!" I squealed happily.

   Tsuna began to shake and stutter as he eyed Hibari who was glaring at them. "You're crowding Herbivores." He growled. Everyone except for Yammamoto and Ryohei backed away. Tsuna because he was scared and Gokudera because he wanted to be close to his precious tenth.

   I sighed and realized that Hibari wasn't about to get up and Tsuna wasn't about to come close to Hibari for fear of crowding. "You're crowding, Herbivores." Hibari growled and popped out his trusty tonfa.

   "Oh come on." I groaned. However Hibari leapt over and effectively scared Tsuna off which in turn made Gokudera leave and made Ryohei and Yammamoto back up.

   Then he quickly dispatched Ryohei and Yammamoto with ease. The doctors had to drag their bodies out and Hibari sat right back down next to me. "Get to work, Herbivore. The sooner you finish the sooner I can get back to Namimori and bite the other Herbivores to death." He growled.

   I sighed and then began to get back to all of the work that I still had left. So that was my stay at the hospital with Hibari breathing down my neck the entire time. 


I don't own KHR

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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