Chapter Fifteen

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"Seriously! Kick my leg, it won't even hurt!" Tony yells as he basically runs circles around Clint, Bruce, and I.

"Tony, it will still hurt. Don't run around the park telling people to kick your leg," Bruce tells him, smiling.

Tony got his cast off yesterday, and I swear he's been running around more than I do at a football game. But I will admit, it's nice to have to keep up with him for a change. I wasn't the biggest fan of having to always walk slower with him so he wouldn't have to bother going faster with his crutches.

"Tony, dude, I'm gonna need you to just chill. This is supposed to be a relaxed time for poor Bruce over here. And I know he doesn't want to put up with you either," Clint tells Tony while grabbing his shoulder to make him calm down.

Bruce nods, "True."

"Yeah, I'm pretty out of it myself. While you were getting your cast off yesterday, Coach was making me go extra hard for not following the original game plays," I tell them.

"But you guys still won? You know what, I don't understand sports," Clint says.

"No, you're right. He's just a real dick," I reply.

We continue to walk in silence around the park for a bit, until Bruce insists that we all sit down for a bit.

"But-" Tony begins.

"No, Stark. You're like a dog that just took a bath. You need to calm down," Bruce demands.

Tony stubbornly plops himself down on the seat of a wooden picnic table. I sit beside of him, and Bruce and Clint in front of us.

After a few moments of silence (excluding the loud, unnecessary, tapping of Tony's foot) Clint speaks, "So how's your mom, Bruce?"

He scratches the back of his neck, as if he has some sort of nervous tick, "She, uh, really hurt her wrist the other day."

Tony's foot immediately stops tapping, "How Bruce."

"She... She fell."

"Bruce," Tony says sternly.

"Tony, we'll talk later," He replys, eyeing me a bit.

"Bruce, is everything alright at home?" I ask him, concern weaved in my tone.

"Would you just drop it?" He demands, slapping his hand on the table in anger.

"I'm sorry," I quietly reply.

"Tony, how's Meredith," Bruce asks, sounding passive aggressive.

"She's fine. We're going on a date tonight, I'm hella excited," Tony says, also sounding like he desperately wants a chance of topic.

"Really? You're not mad at her for standing you up?" I ask him.

"Wait, wait. Excuse me?" Clint asks.

"Yeah, the other night I-"

"Did nothing, Steve," Tony growls out, stomping my foot under the table.

"Tony, let him finish. What happened, Steve?" Clint asks, resting his head on his fist.

"Meredith stood him up, I stepped in as the plus one."

Bruce laughs, "So you two had your own little date night?"

"Banner, shut it," Tony says, partially hiding his face behind his hands.

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