Can I Be The One to Save You? (Mikey Way\MCR)

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YAY, I FINALLY POSTED THIS. Anyways, this was inspired by one of my dreams I had a month ago. ^_^

This is set in 2011, and he's not with Alicia in this. This may or may not be exactly like how Mikey is in real life, and he's 28 in this even if he was 31 in 2011. ^___^

@theBrilliant plays Zena, and a picture of how her character is supposed to look like is on the side. :) Thanks Brilliant for offering to be a character in any of these.. or shall I call you Zena from now on? ;)

Anyways, let's get to it. This one shot is called: Can I Be The One to Save You? (Mikey Way\MCR)


I grabbed my red beanie and black jacket, put them both on, and looked in the mirror. Oh, I look pretty cool. Wait, did I straighten my hair?! Yes Mikey, you just straightened it 10 minutes ago. Oh phew, sometimes I just have to stop worrying... I pick up my phone off of my dresser and check the time, it's 2:56PM? Oh sh*t, I told her I was going to pick her up at 3:00, and her house is like 10 minutes away. Why did I spend so much time straightening my hair? Wait, actually, she's probably not even ready, considering she's a girl, so I'll probably be fine... I need to go.

I turned off my phone, put it in my pocket, grabbed my keys from on top of the dresser, and walked out of my bedroom. I walked in to the living room to tell my brother, Gerard, that I was going out, and I found him talking to my 2 other best friends, Ray and Frank. "Hey guys" I say with my usual poker face, and they turn their heads to me. "Hey Mikey" they say at the same time to me and wave a little bit.

"So, you're going out?" Gerard asks and gets up from the couch, "Yeah, I'm gonna go see Zena.. can you lock the door for me, please?" I answer, and in response he nods and walks over to the door, and me and apparently, Frank and Ray, follow him. (A/N Sorry for all the 'and's, I just couldn't help it, the sentence wouldn't be complete without them. ._.)

"Well, Mikey, I think me and Ray are thinking the same thing, and it's.. 'who's Zena?'" Frank says, and he and Ray chuckle. "Ummm, well.. Zena's a girl I'm going out on a date with tonight, who's 2 years younger than me, and who went to the same high school as me and Gerard, and who also worked at the bookstore I used to work at. And, tonight will be the first time we've spoken to each other in 2 years" I say, and Gerard nods, leans against the wall, and crosses his arms. "Oh.. that's really cool!" Frank says and grins. "I think.. I remember her, didn't she have the same glasses as you, like the same music as you, and have brown hair?" Ray asks, "Yeah! Her name's Zena Williams... And if you look at her Facebook page, you'll realize that she doesn't have her glasses anymore, and that she still has brown hair." I say. It's true, she gave me her Facebook a week ago, and in her profile picture she has straight brown hair, and no glasses.. She still looks the same, though.

"Oh, right. I remember her now, she used to go to our concerts, and if we knew she was there we'd let her go backstage after the show... Ahhh, good times, good times" Ray says, and I nod while memories of her at concerts float back in to my head. "Didn't you have a crush on her, or something?" Frank asks. "Uhhh-" "Yes, she did, and he had a crush on her too, until Alicia came into his life" Gerard interrupts, and I glare at him and get annoyed from what he just said, and he glares back and smiles at me.

".. Mikey, your cheeks are red" Ray says with a poker face, before bursting out in to laughter with Frank, while Gerard just giggles and tries not to laugh, and I feel my cheeks get hot so I must be blushing from embarresment. "Seriously, guys?" I say, and Ray stops laughing while Frank keeps rofl-ing, and I just wait for him to stop until I realize that it's been, like, 10 or 15 minutes, and I should get going. No, wait, let me correct that, I need to get going. Oh, great!! I pinch the upper part of my nose\my temple in frustration, and say "Guys, I should seriously be going. It's been like 15 minutes, and I said I'd pick her up at 3:00PM, so she's probably ready and waiting for me."

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