We Got A What??

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You sat on the couch, intrigued by the new movie Pat had just bought called Finding Nemo.

Patrick was in the kitchen, on the phone with Pete. That didn't really matter to you, due to the fact that you had a severe disease of I don't really care-itis. Doctors say it could kill someone. Joe was sitting with on the couch as well, with his arm around you and his hand in the popcorn, staring at the tv as if it was his lord and savior. And Andy was unpacking his stuff in his room.

It has been two years now since you joined the band. You finally had an album done and were already working on another one. You guys were currently a garage band but dang, people loved you. You all had moved into one apartment house together, in which Andy had just moved in. You and Patrick had to share a room, which almost felt normal, while everyone else had a separate room. Andy would have gotten stuck on the couch but you sacrificed your personal room to him, hence why you joined Pat.

"Fish are friends, not food." Said the tv.

"That's my new motto." Joe said whilst mindlessly putting a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"But what does it even mean?" You said.

"Well obviously it means- woah, Patrick, you good man??" Joe said, turning his attention to Patrick who looked like he had just seen someone ripping their face off.

He mumbled something but you couldn't tell what he had said.

"What?" You and Joe said in unison.

"That was Pete." Patrick said quietly. "We got a ...."

"Patrick come on, speak up-"

"WE GOT A GIG!!!!!"

"WHAT??" You heard Andy yell from his room.

"Wait, we got a what??" You asked, not able to believe it. Patrick leaned really really close to you, his nose almost touching yours.

"We got a gig." He whispered. You couldn't believe it.

"B-b-but how?" You asked him, Joe pausing the movie and Andy coming out of his room. Patrick stood back up, seeming a little more calm now.

"Apparently, Pete has been calling places left and right all this week, and right when he was gonna give up and just start shamefully advertising, Star Records called and asked if we wanted a gig. Pete of course said yes, so next week, we get to perform at Paramount theater."

"Oh my god."
"That's amazing!"
"Holy shit."

"Well. Let's see how it goes." Patrick said with a smile before sitting down. "Alright," he grabbed the remote and started the movie again, "what I miss."

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