14:: Vampires and an Arranged Marriage

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Setting an Image

I got up the next morning with Jake's arms wrapped around me. I sighed in contentmentand that seemed to wake him up.

"Good morning." I said and kisssed his arms, too confortable to move.

"I think I could get used to that." he said and got up.

"What are you doing?" I asked sitting up.

"We have to go to school... we han't been there for at least 2 weeks."

"Ohh.." I said.

I got up and got ready in the stupid, ugly uniform. I put my make-up and hair the way I did on the first day we went to that danm school.


We got up and ready and left for the morning. As we got to school Jake's usual crowd surrounded us. In the distance I swear I seen Juliet looking my way. I looked away and starting talking to my new best friends. We were kinda a little crowd. Me, Kaleigh, Maddie, Ana, Andrea, Emily and Rachel. Yup. The 7 of us.

"Where were you?"


"You left us for 2 weeks"

"How could you?" they all said and we burst oiut laughing. Jake kissed me good-bye and we left. School went by pretty fast and I got a TON of homework to do. Jake carried it around in his bag and showed no distress even though i knew that he had double the amount as me.

"Are you gonna to try out for the cheer squad?" Rachel asked. They had al been on the team last year so that's how they met and suff.

"Yeah." I replied as I re-applied my lip gloss in the mirror.

"Did you bring your stuff?" Emily asked.

"No," I said, "but could I borrow some of your things?" I said, looking through my lashes at Andrea. Her and Maddie wern't going to try o9ut for the team this year.

"Sure. Me and Maddie will be there cheering you on." Maddie nodded in agreement and we all walked out. Juliet looked over at us and gave an almost piting look. I glared at her. I didn't need anyone's pity.

We walked in our AD History class. We all had this class together so there was alot of note passing and giggling.

After school, it was time. Jake met up with me at my locker and gave me a long kiss. After five or so minutes, we stopped for air.

"I'm trying out for quarterback." he said and he practically glowed.

"I'm trying out for a cheerleader." I said as we began walking towards the field. He beamed and kissed me again this time shorter but passionatly. After one more departing kiss we made our way to the tryouts.

Rachel, the captian, gave us a short prep-talk. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Some of the girls started the routine and I just sat back and watched. Juliet appeared out of nowhere and started stretching. She fakley smiled at me and I bitch-smiled back at her. She glared and I walked over by Rachel.

I honestly had no idea why I did that. Wasn't I once her bestest friend untl she thought that Jake was a vampire. I giggled and Rachel, along with Kaleigh and Ana glanced over at me.

"What's the joke?"

"Do I get to hear?" they asked. I told them everything. About how we went over to the fair and Juliet telling her epiphany. They laughed.

"She's such a loser." Ana said.

"She'll never make the team." Kaleigh replied.

"I'll make sure of it." Rachel stated. I felt kinda bad. Wasn't I supposed to stop this kind of thing from happening to my best- ex best friend?

"You're up." Rachel said and patted my back. I heard Maddie and Andrea cheering in the back round.

I put in the Veronica's CD 'Hook Me Up." and changed it to the track, Popular.

As soon as the music started I got into it. I can't rally remeber what I did or how I did it, but I seen the other girls gawking and Rachel looking impressed. The track ended and everyone started clapping.

Jake had trailed over and was clapping too. How long had he been there?

Juliet did her routine next and a couple girls did after.

"Nothing compared to you." Emily whispered in my ear.

"Ok. guys!," Rachel said, capturing everyone's undivided attention. "The list will be posted tomarrow morning on the bulleton board. I would like to congragulate everyone. But, alas, I can't add everyone. I wish I could. Belive me."

Some of the girls snickered.

"See you guys tomarrow!" Rachel said and her Ana,Kaleigh and Emliy walked over to the table to begin making the team.

I jumped as Jake appeared behind me and started kissing my neak. I nearly moaned but bit it back, remebering that we were at school. I looked around at him.

"At home." I said and smiled.

"URH! But my mom will stop us again." He said and frowned. We got into the car.

"Fine." I said and he jumped on me. He started kissing my neak and his hands were going up my shirt. I was ready to give in and let him do whatever he wanted to me. But then I seen him.


With Juliet.

My heart nealy stopped. I pushed Jake away.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, I said. "Can we please just go home?" I asked him and he agreeed.

I couldn't get it out of my head.

Ethan and Juliet.

There was no way I was going to make up with either of them.


hope U liked it!!!!!!!

here's my fav. little smiley thing:::


hah hah!!!!!!!!


Luvvs you guys!!

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