Chapter 3 - Escape Plan

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Brianna has been silent ever since what took place earlier. She won't even look at Josh and it has been hours. Josh questions why this situation had to happen to her. He doesn't even know why he was taken, but Brianna has nothing to do with him. She shouldn't be there. Josh concludes that the whole situation is his fault. EVer since he was younger, he is the one always bringing people down with him. Always. 

"Brianna?" he whispers.

Brianna doesn't even flinch. At this point, Josh would assume that she were dead if he couldn't hear the light, staggered breathing coming from directly in front of him. He slips his hands out of the loose knot he had tied around his hands. Leaning closer to Brianna, he studies her posture. Her head in down, facing her lap. He gently tilts her chin up with his fingers. It is now clear to him how upset she is. Her makeup is smudged under her red eyes, her face smudged with her own tears,

"Nobody's ever seen me cry before." she whispers softly, closing her eyes.

"Shh." he wipes her smudged makeup away gently with his thumb, "It's going to be okay."

He attempts to comfort her.

"No it's not." she says with a strain to her voice, "Haven't you seen this all before?"

Josh gives her a questioning look while tucking a strand of her beautiful blonde hair behind her ear.

"This whole scene. He-they haven't blindfolded us. No good reason as to why they chose to kidnap us. We can clearly identify who they are. If we escape, if they let us go, they are screwed."

Josh listens carefully, hanging onto her every word.

"They haven't done anything to us-"

"Not yet, but they will. They'll start with me. Maybe even make you watch." she cuts Josh off in mid sentence.

Josh watches as another tear rolls down Briannaès cheek, hitting the cold cement floor beneath their feet.

"Josh, these people-they don't just wake up and decide they are going to kidnap someone just for kicks, then release them unharmed. It's all a build up, and then something inside of you just snaps. The scariest part? It's inside of all of us. It's whether or not we tap into that primal instinct. that's up to us. These people get off on other people's pain and suffering. They're going to take me, beat me, probably rape me then kill me." she sighs.

"No. I won't let them." Josh replies firmly, gently grabbing her hands.

She smiles at him, "It's sweet of you to say that, but at this point I'm kind of hoping there's a chance for us to escape soon or I'm really considering stealing that knife from you and ending it myself."

"Don't say that. We're going to get through this."

"He's on his way back so if I were you I'd tie yourself back up." she whispers in a panic.

"Shit." Josh whispers, slipping his wrists through the knots once again.

Suddenly the door creaks open and the man from before walks over to Brianna with a glass of water in his hand.

"You know, I really shouldn't be giving a dumb bitch like you anything after the little stunt you pulled earlier, should I?"

"N-no sir." she obediently replies.

"Good girl." he praises her, tilting the glass up to her mouth.

Josh notices a bag full of what he can only guess is sleeping pills in his back pocket. He shows no reaction as Brianna takes a few gulps of water.

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