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"I can't believe you're dragging me to a stupid Marianas Trench concert." Brianna whines to her best friend Katy.

"They aren't stupid! They are Gods!" Katy yells.

"We are 28 years old Katy. I think it's time we try to find ourselves some real men. Not men who blow glitter into the crowd and call themselves "Uncle J-Dawg". Not to mention I'm pretty sure the man you love is gay."

"First of all, Josh isn't gay. He is an entertainer. Second of all, you should really try listening to their music some time instead of that Nicki Minaj crap!" Katy hisses.

"Ugh fine. Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Brianna sighs, fixing her long blonde hair in the vanity mirror.

Brianna ushers Katy to her blue convertible, and begin to drive to the venue. She insists that they listen to the band's newest album "Ever After" and then proceed to quiz Brianna on the band members. Although the drive may have seemed to go on forever, it only takes a few minutes for the girls to arrive at the venue.

"The drummer is..?" Katy asks.

"I know, I know. Ian Casselman. Also know as Ian Casselduck or the octagon people." Brianna jokes, putting stress on the last two words. 

This earns an eye roll from Katy.

"I'm so proud." Katy announces pretending to wipe a tear from her eye.

"Okay. Where are we sitting anyways?" Brianna laughs, rolling her eyes.

"Front row. Where else?" she exclaims, squealing a little.

Brianna sighs as the pair make their way to their seats. Brianna wants patiently for the torture-concert, to begin. 

From the moment Brianna lays her eyes on the blue and black-haired man when he enters the stage, she knows how the concert will go. He and his band mates will sing some songs, and then he will then proceed to make conversation with the audience, being arrogant as ever. 

Naturally, Brianna is spot on. She even catches Josh catching a glimpse of her several times. 

"OH MY GOD WASN'T THAT SO AMAZING?" Katy squeals as soon as the band leaves the stage.

"Mhm yup. Can we go now?" Brianna sighs.

All she wants is to go take a hot bath at home.

"Of course not! We have to stick around to meet the band members!" Katy exclaims in excitement, slapping Brianna on the arm.

"Okay whatever. I'll be outside when you're ready to leave." Brianna sighs, walking towards the exit.

As she walks, she takes in the night's events. Brianna would never admit it to Katy, but she actually really enjoyed the show. The band were great performers and what not, but she still hates that douchey lead singer.

Brianna leanes up against the cold brick wall, pulling out her phone. After all, Katy could be in there for ages. What could possible be a better way to pass time than twitter?

As she scrolls through her time line, she notices a few retweets from her best friend. Naturally, they were none other than Joshua freaking Ramsay. Brianna rolls her eyes as she clicks on the tweet, curious of what the asshole has to say for himself.

"@JoshRamsay: VANCOUVERRR! You are all so sexy. It was great to play home again. You guys are the cat's meow. ;)"

What the fuck? This guy has some serious issues.

Brianna shakes her head when a sudden gust of wind attacks her body. She hugs her body, shivering from the cool night air. Brianna begins to worry. Judging by the sudden darkness, it is getting late and Katy should've been back by now.

Brianna glances around at the abundance of people chatting amoungst themselves, until she hears a scream of horror. No one around her seems to have heard the sudden disturbance, Brianna decides to investigate. 

She pokes her head around the corner, just in time to see someone pressing a white cloth, probably chloroform, to some other man's face.

She gasps at the sight of the man being attacked, placing a shaky hand over her mouth. She takes a shaky step back from the scene, nearly tripping over her own feet. Finally, she pulls her phone to her ear and quickly dials "911".

Brianna anxiously glances back over at the scene of the crime as she waites for someone to pick up.

The man drops the ground, and is currently being forcefully dragged into a white, shady van parked nearby. Brianna can't quite make out who the person is, but he seems oddly familiar. The mystery man is tall and lanky, and proved to scream like a girl when he is in danger.

She begins to hyperventilate as the van's doors slam shut.

"Hello 911, please state your emergency." she hears the other line finally respond.

Brianna sighs in relief. Everything will be fine.

"Hi yes, I just witnessed a man get kidnapped outside of the Vancouver....mmmhfffff"

Suddenly, a cloth is being placed roughly over her nose and mouth. Her eyes go wide in complete terror. Her knees feel like jello and her heart begins to pound. When her vision begins to blur, Brianna's heart nearly comes to a complete stop. When she drops to the ground, all she can remember is some man harshly yelling,"GET HER TOO! SHE SAW US!" 

Then the world is black, and Brianna falls into the deep abyss.

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