Where Tyler Lox came from...

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 This is pointless... Even just sitting in Tartarus is making my scales prickle!! The young man snorted out a puff of smoke and thumps tail against the cage floor. He looked up at the black sky and waited for that moment for the skies to split open, allowing him to escape into the world he was once in.

"Tyler Lox... You've been convicted of murder, arson, betrayal of the dragonets of destiny, and almost shrouded our world in ice with the power of the BitterCold... You are convicted to die in Tartarus..." The demon guard, Cerberus, growled, turning its three heads. The man in chains smirked and looked up at the guard. "You server under Godith when you, yourself, are a demon of hell..." Lox said, throwing his head laughing into the empty space, Cerberus growled and sat down, ignoring the taunts of the betrayer seated behind him. Lox looked down and dragged his claw into the dirt, drawing a person. Oh how I miss you... I've loved you... And you loved me... But... You let me be captured... You didn't come and save me... You let the darklings do horrible things to me... You let me turn into this... This monster.... You left me for her... You left me for Angela... But... Angela did not want you... And you found some other girl.... And I was forgotten about!!! Lox slashed the sand and tore the face of the man he drew and spat on it... He glared and drew back his fangs at the dismembered drawing. You have died due to age... But I have been cursed to live forever... But I will find your soul... And I will feast upon your juicy soul... Lox looked down and wrote down two words.

R.I.P. Adam

------------------1000 Years later-------------------

He heard it... The sound of the rift opening into the world! Finally!! Cerberus howled and jumped into his cell, snapping its jaws at him, insuring that the prisoner would not escape. Lox looked at Cerberus and stuck out his tonuge at the demon, he spread out his wings and whipped up a large cloud of dust at the demon guard, and lashed his tail side to side aggressively. Cerberus fell back and lowered its heads, looking at where the man had been, then it threw its entire body at the man and thudded against the tail of the man, and then stomped on one his right wing. Lox screamed out in pain and drew his left wing into his chest, he twisted around and lashed out at the guard's face and grabbed a hold of the paw holding his now dislocated wing and pushed off the dog with his hind legs. Cerberus's back thudded onto the rock wall and fell to the floor, he looked up and saw the man trying to relocate his wing, the demon heard a very loud screech and he moved his wing experimentally, he looked down at the dog and placed his foot on the snout of the main head, he bared his fangs and lashed out his tail in fury. "You had no right to keep me inprisoned... I will escape this foresaken hell, and let my wrath tear this world in two..." He snapped one of Cerberus's neck's and grabbed the keys' from the guard's collar and unlocked his shakles. He threw the key on the floor and spread his wings, he yowled out into the glowing skies and lifted up. Here I come Elrios... I am coming to take my throne on the side of BitterCold.... And I will turn this world into a freezing hell....

So... I haven't done this shit in a LONG time... But my horrid grammer has been perfected and I have once again returned.... Maybe... (^^')... But here is the return of the drabbles! I still yet have to finish that one story everyone wants me to finish, but you know... This is one thing I decided to do since Tyler Lox (Or DeadLox, as everybody might know) showed up for halfway a whole chapter in the Candy from My Stranger story... Ok Ima stop rambling but... UNTIL THEN!!! ADIOS!

~Shadex Kim

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