Short OC Bio

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 Since I haven't used this shit in forever, why not post something I randomly found in my files :D (Shadex)

Shadex Kim used to live in a peaceful town on the edge of Feita, known as Sakuya Field. She was born in a family line of an evil man known as Glave, when she was barely even two her father had divorced his newly wedded bride and disappeared without a trace. Her mother would refuse to speak about her father and where he even went, but when she threw it in the pile of white lies, she would go out in the fields and pick flowers with her. One day, on her tenth birthday, a roaring fire expanded into the sleepy village, awakening every villager, along with the fire came the guards of the King Wally. Her mother, Kokoru, ran far away from the village, carrying her sleepy daughter to safety, but, while running she ran into a man who was in chains and a heavy trench coat. To her mother's dismay it was Shadex's father, she screamed and hit him, cursing on his name for bringing the knights here to destroy the village. Before Glave could explain, he was pulled into a black hole that formed underneath his feet and disappeared, but at that same moment, when Kokoru turned around her chest was impaled with a large spear. Shadex screeched and tried to run away, but failed to when more knights surrounded her, the only thought that ran through her head was.. "I was... Too weak.."

Spending 3 years in Wally's castle as a slave was like hell itself, she was fed poorly, and maintained life in a very unsanitary place. She had days marked on her wall and different types of rocks laid out, one faithful day, one of the cellmates were talking about how a boy in her conditions escaped miraculously by breaking the shackles off with a rock. Shadex got the idea and started to bang and bang and bang on the shackle, until finally it broke off, and she waited for "lunch" time. Once that time came around she grabbed the "feeding stick" and pushed back the guards, making a run for it.

She escaped the large castle and ran as much as her little legs could carry her. She knew they were coming... They were catching up, really fast. As she mustered up as much strength as she can, she ran at a full throttle and into the woods. She stopped one moment to regain her breath, but in the process she hurled out what looked like her "food" and laid silently panting. Five minutes later she felt the drumming of the horses shoes on the ground, and she took off again, hoping to regain her lost freedom once again. Running for what seemed like miles, her heart shattered into millions of pieces. An overhang. A really high overhang. She turned around and saw five men on horseback burst out from the bushes. She heard them talking nicely to her, but she took one step back, one step closer to her death. She'd rather have death than imprisonment, she already felt like she was in hell. Looking up, she yelled no and saw two men draw their swords, she felt them looming down on her more than ever but suddenly... She misstepped... And fell.


She woke up, completely unharmed and alive, breathing. But she wasn't in her home, she was in a ruins. An old, old ruins. She thought it was odd that such a radiant place was still standing, especially since it was underground (it seemed). She looked at the giant doors and thought about what it held on the other side, reaching out, she had a feeling not to open it, but another thought told her to open it. When she placed her hand on the door, a piercing pain shot up along her right side of her face, electrifying her to her core.

Once she woke up, she found herself inside the ruins. It was a giant library, with more machinery, that is. She found a disk lying next to her, it beckoned her to press play, or insert it to one of the giant computers around here, but she waited, and she decided to look around instead.

She was quite shocked to find food in here, it seemed to just appear out of nowhere, and the water here was crystal clear, it was even cold, refreshing, almost seeming like mountain water. Over the past 3 weeks, a thought came to her, why not play the disk now..? She got up from a table in the library, and walked over to a giant tv. She inserted the disk into the cd port, and pressed play. In the entire video, it was her father, Glave, who explained how to study and learn how to control the most powerful in the universe he said. And that was the power of Time and Space itself. After she watched to video, she started to go more indepth onto what her father was exactly talking about, she developed a device known as "Dynamo" to help aid her in achieving the extreme levels of experiments, but... Studying something this amazing took it's toll on Shadex, insomnia became her best friend, and when her dynamo would remind her to eat and drink water, she refused until she completed the calculations she was working on. Finally... After 2 whole years of working endlessly, she felt that she had did it... She had finally understood what her father wanted her to do. Glave, the slave of Luto, the administrator of Time and Space, wanted his daughter, Shadex Kim, to take over as the Empress of Time and Space.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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