Chapter 10: Taking a Chance on Family

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UNEDITED, so please NO HATE COMMENTS on the bad grammar, thanks. Oh and dedication goes to CHRISTINE_LEUNG always believe in yourself and if you want to write then write, don't let you dyslexia get in the way, I don't (lol)

Chapter 10: Taking a chance on Family

As we walked into the noisy movie theater all I was able to make out were the bouncing kids in their seats waiting for the movie to start. I carried mine and Chance drinks has Ayanna ran upstairs looking for seats for the three of us to sit at, with me following behind her and Chance behind me whistling about something. Ayanna was finally about to find some seats at third from the top and sat down next to a little girl about the same age and started talking to her.

"Ayanna you need to move over one seat so you can seat between me and your dad" I told her, not in the mood to seat next to Chance after everything he told me before we left the house. I need a little breathing room to think everything through.

"But mommy." Ayanna started to protest when Chance cut in "its fine Ayanna stay where you're at. Milly let her seat with her friend and stop being a brat." He then grabs my arm, pulling me down into the seat next to him, about the time the lights started to dim and the preview started to play. After sitting he lead over me and handed Ayanna her kid popcorn and as he went back to his sitting position he kissed my left cheek lightly, "Remember you said you give me a chance tonight to prove myself tonight." then he wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. I sighed just giving into him for now.

I don't know why I was being so ungrateful with Chance being around and becoming part of Ayanna life, I just couldn't help it. I have always pictured this guy who only cared about himself and would only hurt my daughter in the end, but it seemed I was wrong about all that. I really didn't care I was wrong though I wanted him to just go away and leave me alone. I wanted the Chance I knew growing up not all this closeness he has been showing me all day. I was happy with my life, before he had to show back up. It's like since that night he pulled me into his embrace at the hospital, the night my father died, he hasn't left my side.

I looked over at Chance to see him with a goofy grin on his face has he watched the cartoon character travel to an island made of food. Was he really that happy here after just one day? If I was him I still be pissed and not sitting in the middle of a theater with my arm around the person who keep my child a secret from me all those years.

"Stop overthinking, Milly, and enjoy the movie." Chance whispered in my ear, pulling me a little closer to him, making the armrest dig into my side. I try to move a little out of it, but Chance just grip down on me harder making it even more unconformable. "Milly stop I'm not removing my arm," he said a little louder than he should make the some people around us telling him to "Shh."

"Chance it's not that it's just the armrest is digging into my side." I augured back but in a more whispered from. He removed his arm and I was able to roll my shoulder. As I was rubbing my right shoulder I watched as he left the armrest up so it rest between our seats. He smiled back at me wrapping his arm yet again around. With the armrest, now out of the way he pulled me even closer to him that my whole side was touching his. "You are impossible."

"I aim to please." he said, giving me a little smirk that he was well known for back in school. "Now lay your head down on my shoulder and just enjoy the moment. For this is the first of many to come." With that, he turns back to the screen just in time to see a giant eating taco chasing the characters.

I looked over at Ayanna and see her laugh, along with the other girl next to her. I sighed, giving into Chance once again and laid my head on his shoulder. I was slowly starting to enjoy this family night. It didn't matter who was at fault. No, all that matter was that Ayanna was happy, even if that meant Chance was here to stay.

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