Chapters 6-10 of SFHS

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Chapter Six (Peeta's POV)

A few hours Katniss and Tris leave to go wedding dress shopping, Caleb comes into the bakery for the first time. Tobias is busy "taste-testing" the dauntless cake, so I head to the counter. "How can I help you?" Katniss told me not I talk to Caleb, but I don't see what's so bad about him. "Um, do you know where Tris is?" Tobias comes out of the kitchen and glares at me then Caleb. "She's not here. She doesn't want to see you. I suggest you leave."

Caleb mutters "okay" and slinks out of the bakery. "Why do you always have to be so rude to him? Can't you all work it out or something?" I ask Tobias. He still looks furious. "Because he tried to kill Tris." I wasn't expecting that. Why would a smart boy like him try to kill his own sister? He doesn't seem like a violent person. Tobias goes on to insult me more. "Oh, I forgot, you're the "let's solve all our problems by talking it out" guy. Some things are never going to change."

"Sometimes it isn't the person's fault. When I was in the Capitol as prisoner, my mind was hijacked. I thought Katniss was a mutt and I tried to strangle her." Tobias smirks. "I was under a serum that made me think Tris was an enemy and I about shot her in the head. But Caleb wasn't under any sort of serum or hijacking. He knew exactly what he was doing." "Fair point." I smell burnt bread. "Four! You made me burn the buns! Get to work."

I hurry into the kitchen and quickly pull out the burnt buns. They remind me of the bread I threw Katniss when she was starving. Burnt bread is definitely a bad thing. But a starving Katniss is worse. I love bread. And Katniss. And bread. "Peeta, I thought you were the master baker." Tobias scoffs.

"I got distracted. See, we manage to have a friendly conversation about almost killing our girlfriends and then my bread gets burnt. Let's just talk less while bread is baking." I say. "Good idea, boss." Tobias says, eating another slice of dauntless cake. I decide that I'm going to go to Haymitch's house tomorrow and talk to Caleb. I don't tell Tobias this, obviously. I haven't checked up on Haymitch in a while, so I'll talk with him, as well.

Chapter Seven (Katniss's POV)

Tris and I walk into Wal-Mart. I say to Tris, "This place is unbelievable!! Look at all that food! There's furniture, books, clothes, everything." "Yeah, the Candor Headquarters we in a place like this. Let's get some food, Thanksgiving is coming up soon," say says. We look around for a turkey in the good section. "Um, have you ever celebrated thanksgiving?" I ask.

"No, we didn't in the experiment, but the lab people did. They told me it was started by first people who came to America. It's to give thanks to God for the blessings in life." It's still weird calling Panem "The United States of America", But I definitely like the USA more. Obama seems like he has some swag, though Peeta would be a much better President. I told him he should run in the election next year, and he's actually considering it.

"Katniss! Let's get a cornucopia!" I freeze. "No. No cornucopias." Then Tris realizes. "Oh, sorry. Maybe some stuffing instead?" "Yes, stuffing is good." We walk around and see a guy with a beer belly cussing out his kid. "Typical Wal-mart goers." Tris whispers to me. There's an aisle of hunting gear and I smirk as some rednecks wearing camouflage talk about the hunting season.

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