Chapters 11-15 of SFHS

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Chapter Eleven (Katniss's POV)

Tris drops me off at the Mellark-Eaton Bakery at 6:55. Peeta is already there waiting with a smile. Neither of us can drive, so we just walk around the town, holding hands. "Hey, do you even know what town we're in?" "No idea." I reply. He points at an old brick building that looks like a school. The sign reads, "Eaton Community Schools." We laugh. "What a coincidence." He says.

"Let's eat here." It's a restaurant called China Wok. We go inside and pay, since it's a buffet. All the food looks really weird, weirder than Capitol food. I ask the waiter what every single food on the menu is made out of. "You new here?" He says with an accent I've never heard. "Yeah, I've only been here a few weeks." "I am Yue Lin. If you need anything, let me know." "Okay." Peeta has his plate filled with rolls.

"Katniss, this bread is almost as good as what I make!" We sit down and I take a roll off his plate and eat it. "Not bad." I tell him. We finish eating then talk for a while. "So Katniss, do you like it here?" "The food's not all bad, but I'm pretty sure I ate something with crab in it. Yuck." "I'm not talking about the food, I mean this century." "Oh, yeah. That's not too different of a subject." I smile.

"It's awesome. The other day, Tris and I were playing these things called video games. It's on the television and you have a controller-" "I know what video games are, Katniss. Tobias destroyed me in Call of Duty. But I'm better at Minecraft than him. I have to show you my house I have a giant field of wheat and 300 furnaces and all I do is make bread. I kill all the monsters with my diamond sword!" "Cool. I tried Minecraft once. Tris was there and I fell into lava. So she thought it would be funny to sing that horrid song." Peeta smiles. "You mean-"

"No. Don't you dare-" "THIS GIRL IS ON FIIRREEEEEEE!! THIS GIRL IS ON FIREEEEE!" Now everyone in the restaurant is staring at us. I give myself a facepalm on the table. Finally Peeta stops singing when I stuff a roll in his mouth. He chews and swallows then gives me his signature 'I'm so sweet and innocent' smile. "Let's just get out of here." I say. On the way out we both get there things called fortune cookies. I start to eat it when Peeta stops me. "You're supposed to open it and see the fortune."

Peeta opens his and I see a little piece of paper. He reads it. "If you have two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a primrose." "Did they just-" "They did." That is some serious irony. I snatch the piece of paper and go back inside the China Wok. I find Yue and ask him, "What is the meaning of the fortune?" "Old Chinese proverb." I storm out and give Peeta the fortune back. "Katniss, it's just a fortune, it's not real."

I take a deep breath. It's just a fortune. I open my cookie and read mine. "When fire catches, the spark ignites a rebellious flame." Peeta laughs. "It's not funny, Peeta." "But the irony." Then I read it again. "My lucky number is twelve." It is funny, that the leader of the rebellion, the girl who was on fire, would happen to get that exact fortune cookie from a little Chinese restaurant. So I laugh and Peeta and I walk home together, his arm around my waist.

Snow is starting to fall, since it's late in November. "I wish every day could be like this. Not having to worry about any rebellion, hunger games, or anything." Peeta says. The United States are great. The people elect their presidents, and get to decide whether laws pass or not. We get to our neighborhood, and Peeta and I live right across from each other. I tell him goodnight and we part our separate ways. I love the boy with the bread, and for the first time, our future together looks bright.

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