"Why!" Eliza screamed. "Why did this happen! Who could have done this!"
I was still standing there looking at the dead body. Luke's dead body. How could he have died like this? I just didn't understand. Of course I guess that's what the investigation period is for.
There were ten of us in the room. Eliza, Katlin, Joseph, and me who had all gotten in before everyone else. Right behind us came Chase, Kiley, Jason, Rhinka, Lisssa and Leif.
Jes, Felecia, Kazuichi, Irene, and Arnold all hadn't made it yet or decided not to come. I couldn't blame them for the latter. Why had Joseph chosen to bring me here anyway? Was it because he was the first to find the body and knew I was the only one he had easy access to.
Everyone was running around frantically, not knowing what to do. That was except for Rhinka, Joseph, Leif and me. The only difference there was that the three of them were talking, I was just frozen.
Eventually Leif yelled. "Everybody! Can you stop moving for one goddamn second!"
That caught everyone's attention and the room slowly began to quiet down. That is when Rhinka began to speak. "Running around frantically will do nothing for us. We all need to figure out who was the murder here. If you don't think you can help with that then leave and stay in your room until the investigation period is over. Do you all understand?"
Then he showed up...
"Hellllloooowwww evvvvrrrreyyyy body!" Murica bear came out of one of the vents. "
"What do you want?" Chase snapped at him."
"I just wanted to update your student handbooks, WITH....
"The Murikakooma files!"
"What?" Lisssa asked."
"This will tell you when and how Luke was killed. Good luck." With that he was gone.
I got to the file first and read it out loud. "Student Luke York Was found dead in the school cafeteria. The means of death was a large wooden steak in his chest. The time of death was one forty six am."
Everyone slowly nodded. Chase, Lisssa, Eliza, and Katlin left the room feeling they couldn't do much to help. "Good." Rhinka continued from where she left off. "Now I assume that those of you remaining will help with the investigation," She gave an annoyed glance over at Kiley. It was there for less than a second but definitely there. "I feel the first thing we should do is split up into three teams. Team one will stay here both guarding the body to make sure the evidence is not tampered with while also investigating the area directly around the murder. Team two will search the rest of the school for evidence. They should be granted full access to anyone's dorm rooms."
"Wait why?" Kiley asked.
"Why not?" Rhinka glared at her. "If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about."
Kiley looked like she wanted to argue more but knew she was outnumbered here.
With that settled Rhinka continued. "Team three will go around the school questioning people using the evidence team one and two finding. All three teams will check in frequently as to keep everyone updated."
"Who is gonna be on each team?" Joseph asked.
There were six of us investigating so there would be teams of two.
"I Think the best idea would be a team of Jason and me here, Leif and Kylie searching the school, while Steven and Joseph will queston people."
"But can't I-" Kiley started but was cut off by Rhinka.
Dangonronpa U.S
FanfictionSixteen kids get trapped in a school, and there's only one way out. To kill another student and get away with it. A story with original characters set in the world of Dangonronpa.