Chapter 2 - The First Death

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I wake up to Joseph shaking me. I'm still groggy from sleep so instead of doing anything intelligent I scream and slap him. He proceeds to fall on the floor in laughter.

"Yeah, we won't have to worry about you killing anyone." He said in between his laughs.

I felt my face getting red. "Why did you wake me up?"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot after hearing you opera voice."

"ha, ha." I said rolling my eyes. "You made me scream get over it. Now what were you gonna tell me?"

"Murika bear told us we need to meet at the cafeteria to talk more about murdering each other." He frowned for a second. "I could have gone my whole life without saying that sentence."

There was a knock on the door. We both opened the door to see Lisssa standing there. "Hi." she waved a little too excitedly. "are you two ok it's been really quiet in there.

"Quiet?" Joseph said looking at me. Then a look of thought went across his face. "I get it, the doors must be sound proof."

We quickly tested that theory by having Lisssa go into our room then her screaming then us opening the door. And the doors were in fact sound proof.

We would have tested the bathroom doors but Kylie came up to us. "you guys planning on having a threesome? Or ya gonna do what the bear said."

This is when Joseph steps in between us. "Kylie, you gonna stand there radiating an aura of pure slut or ya gonna do what the bear said?" I didn't know it was possible to have so much mockery in one's voice until that moment.

"whatever you tiny dicked magician." wait magician? How is that an insult? "I just had to wait for my room mate." She pointed at Jes who was lazily walking down the hallway while looking at her handbook. "Hurry up!" Kiley yelled down the hall.

Jes did not respond and instead gave kiley the middle finger.

"I like her." Joseph said quietly.

"Ugh!" Kiley let out in frustration as she walked down the hall.

Lisssa looked at me. "The people here are so colorful."

"Thats one way to put it" I answered.

I had a conversation about igneous rock with Lisssa while Joseph unsuccessfully tried talking to Jes as we walked to the cafeteria.

Everyone was there except Katlin and Eliza who were both still apparently getting ready in their rooms.

The people in the room were situated as followed.

Jes was sitting in the corner alone, Kazuichi, Chase, and Leif were all standing together. It seemed that Kazuichi was just talking about cars while the other two nodded along not really caring. Jason and James were on opposite sides of.the room. Continuing there staring contest. Luke was sitting alone silently watching everyone. Rhinka was also sitting silently watching everyone but unlike luke she seemed to be scanning us all. And finally, I sat down next to Joseph and Lisssa across from Irene and Felecia. Kiley was glaring at us from across the room.

Once Katlin and Eliza came walking in, Murika bear made his appearance. "Hello everybody!"

Jes silently rolled her eye.

"Time for today's lesson!" The bear yelled. "Everyone already read the rules in their handbook correct?"

That's when I silently took my handbook out hoping to be inconspicuous but everyone glared at me. To be fair, Lissa, Leif and Kazuichi all did the same thing. I read the rules.

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