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I don't own the fanart in any way.

I woke up with a cold shiver.
Looking outside, I noticed that the sun was already out, making a pale light come into my bedroom.
I brought the sheets closer to me, trying to get warmer.
Usually, these mornings weren't so bad, I enjoyed them, but not if I woke up dying of cold like I was now.

I tried to go back to sleep, but the light became too much.
With a frustrated roll of eyes and an annoyed grunt, I threw the covers away, so that I could just go and close the dam window.

I felt my feet getting cold from the floor, and all I wanted to do was to just go back to bed again.

I had now reached the curtains, my hand already starting to pull them together, when a glimpse of the outside world grabbed my attention. I pushed the curtain away so that I could look outside, and all that I saw was white.

Pure white covering everything, everywhere. The dark roads where nowhere to be seen, only the knowledge of seeing them everyday reminded me that they were still there.

I hugged my arms as I kept staring out of the window.
There was a pale light, but the sun wasn't visible, and dark clouds rounded the skies, informing that more was to come.

With a jolt, I jumped to my bed, looking for my socks. Dam the sock trolls!
I grabbed them, a pair of dark blue socks with white teeth drawn all across them, and putted them on, before moving to my closet and finding an outfit that would match with the weather.

This looked promising!

I went downstairs when I was ready, the sleepy feeling that I had before now completely gone.

I couldn't believe it! The whole town turned into pure white over night, there had to be something about this on the local news channel.

I went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.
I looked at the clock, expecting it to be really early, since nobody was up yet, but I was presented with the lovely time of 9:37, wich wasn't even that early.

Not feeling like preparing anything in special, I took out a white and blue bowl from the counter and the cerial box, Cookie Screams, from the shelf.

I poured some into the bowl and added some yougurt that I took from the fridge, since the milk was colder and I was feeling too lazy to heat it up now.

After it was done, I turned on the tv, and reduced the volume, so that I wouldn't annoy or wake up anybody.

The news were talking about a couple of kids that found out that their neighbours were their biological parents or something like that, much to my disappointment.

I wanted to know what happened to the weather, but I didn't want to spend half an hour in the kitchen waiting for the news to repeat themselves again at 10 o'clock, so I finished eating my breakfasts quickly, leaving the bowl in the dishwasher.

I'm pretty sure my mom won't mind.

I then grabbed a sticky note that is always in the front of the fridge for some reason and a pen. Maybe the paper will finally have some use!

I left at...9:46, went to Neil's house.

There, now I just had to go get my scarf.

I quietly reached upstairs and my bedroom, grabbing my scarf and tip toeing across the hallway.

They could be there or not, I had no idea. All I saw were the normal closed doors, and I didn't want to find out in my own, or the things with my family, especially my father, could get even more tense.

Looking Out For Mistletoe -ParapinesWhere stories live. Discover now