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I don't own the fanart in any way.

"What's the hold up?"

I felt my fingers cold and my knuckles stiff as I tried to type in a quick text on my phone.
The signal was almost non-existent on the outskirts of the town and practically none in the woods, so it was a nice change to have at least two or three bars.

"No, seriously, what's the hold up?"
I heard Mabel ask herself again.

I fixed the scarf on my neck when a cold breeze caught me off guard, and the chair squeaked the tiniest bit with the very slight weight change.

It was made of compact white plastic, but even so, it made my back hurt. But then again, it was like everything was hurting, from my hands, to my head, to my skin, to my bones. Consequently, the whole ordeal of footsteps and chatter and bickering of the people around us was only making it worse.

We were at the mall.

Cutesy place, I shall add. It was really small, and had only a few stores, but still it managed to be full of human life.
Well, and with all the accumulated dust, it was probably also full of other lifeforms.

I looked around at the restaurant area we were in. Not many healthy or good restaurants were around.
Oh well. What was life without some poorly made food suggestions after all?

It seemed that Mabel was especially adherent of this idea, seeing as she herself had ordered some food as a small mid-day snack. We were all siting in diferent sides of the small square table. She tapped the table top with her finger nails, staring at the distance between the table and the take away place with determination.

Dipper sat in front of me, reading one of the many menus available to the customer that rested on the table. He didn't seem to do it out of hunger like his sister had done some moments prior, but instead like he was just waiting for time to pass.

Mabel sighed with frustration, and her frenetic tapping increased by two more taps per second.

Dipper finally rolled his eyes, and brought the menu to the table, setting his eyes on his sister.
"Will you stop that? Hold on just a bit, they didn't forget. They are probably just getting some more cheese or something."

Mabel looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
"But I'm hungry! I haven't eaten anything since I had breakfast, it was like nine! Do you know what that means? My brain's probably eating itself right now!"

Dipped stared at his sister with a sincerety and annoyance, his expression asking nothing more but peace.
"Why were you up so early anyway?" Dipper commented.

"I'm an early bird. Why were you up so late?" Mabel crossed her arms. She too could play that game.

"I already told you why. I was doing some research, it's not my fault that old, tacky computer has gotten so damn slow especially after you started to download all of your teen dramas-"

"Yeah, yeah, blaming the dramas. Now, when is my food coming!" She glared at the poor man behind the counter she had ordered from, who was surely uncomfortable under the girl's judgemental gaze.

After getting that as a reply, Dipper groaned out loud and brought his attention to me, hoping I could either step in or get him out of the situation his twin was going to start causing.
"Can you say something in this?"

Like a deer caught in the headlights, I left my thumbs overing over the screen.
I blinked.
"Me? W-what do you want me to do, you're the brother!"

"And the bother as well!" Mabel snapped as well, her mood so down she herself had let her head rest in her hands close to the table top.

Dipper furrowed one of his eyebrows and looked at my phone.
"Who are you texting?" He asked with curiosity.

Looking Out For Mistletoe -ParapinesWhere stories live. Discover now