Chapter 16: Nick POV

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After a long time of us sitting by the phone, her mom finally called and said that we could come see her but she wasn't awake yet. They must have been able to find out what it was and get it out of her system if we are able to visit her.

The moment the car was in park, we both ran out of the car and through the hospital doors. The lobby was empty except for one lady at the front desk who was typing away on her computer. I walk over and she looks up at me.

"What room is Sierra Franco in?" I ask before she can even mutter a word.

"Let me look dear, give me one moment." She reaches behind her and grabs a book off the counter. I feel anger rise in me as she slowly flips through the pages in a pain sacking way. "Room 317. Is there anything else.." She tries but we are already walking to the elevator and slapping the button.

"Can this thing go any slower?" Daniel asks impatiently. I nod my head in agreement as the doors finally open.

When we finally got to the room, I look over at Daniel as she stares at Sierra's name on the outside of the door. I rub her shoulder and she looks at me and nods as if to tell me that she's okay. She quickly opens the door and walks in before me. The first thing I hear is her heart monitor beeping very slow and quietly. When Sierra's mom hears us, she sits up in her chair and lets go of Sierra's hand, letting it fall back onto the bed.

As my eyes wonder over to Sierra, I feel my heart stop in my chest. Her eyes are closed and her face is as white as snow. Her head is laying to the side, towards her mother.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask as I walk closer to the bed in slow and careful steps, as if I was scared to wake her. I don't move my eyes away from Sierra as her mother answers my question in a quiet and weak voice.

"Shes going to be fine." She tells us, her voice wavering from crying. "They had to pump her stomach to get all the chemicals out and flush her system. Now we just have to wait for her to wake up."

"You never told us she was getting surgery." Daniel says out in a harsh voice as she grabs onto Sierra's hand.

"It wasn't really a surgery. Just a quick procedure to make sure there would be nothing left in her." She says while looking down at Sierra as a tear slides down her face. "They don't know what was in her yet, they think I was some kind of date rape drug but they have never heard of it being injected into someone. Normally you slip it into a drink or food and they eat it... But anyways they are running tests on it to see what it is."

"Hopefully the procedure worked and everything will be fine. She's been through enough to have anything else go wrong right now." I say and her mother nods her head as someone knocks on the door. I look over my shoulder as a doctor in blue scrubs steps into the room.

"Can I come in?" She asks and I look over at her mother.

"Yeah, come on in." She says and the doctor walks over to look at her heart monitor then writes something down on her clip board. She then walks over to her and opens her eye lid then shines a light into her eyes and writes something else down. She starts to walk towards the door again when I stop her.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask her and she stops in her place and turns back around. "Did they find out what she was injected with?"

"Well, the stomach pump went all good. She will be in pain and groggy when she wakes up but we did get all of them chemicals out of her system. She does have a small incision point between her ribs that has stiches so she will have to try and not move too fast when she wakes up." She says then looks at a different page on her clip board and reads it. As her eyes scan the page they begin to grow larger.

"What is it?" Sierra's mother asks.

"Well, it seems that... somehow she was injected with a really high sleep aid that can only be prescribed for minor surgeries. But we don't give that kind of stuff out, only doctors and nurses can handle it because it is very dangerous." She says and I look over at Daniel.

"Then how did they have it?" Daniel asks.

"The police have been informed and are going to be checking into near hospitals inventory to see where it may have come from. Then they maybe able to figure out who they are." She says and I nod my head. "I will be back in a while to check up on her again."

"Thank you." Sierra's mother says and we all turn back to look at her.

"Oh, excuse me." The nurse says. I look over my shoulder as the door opens once more. I hear her mother gasp as she sees his face.

"What are you doing here, Francis?" I spit at him, anger laced in every word. "Are you dissatisfied that someone hurt her besides you?"

"I'm here to see if she's okay." He shoots back and I cross my arms and step in his way so he can't get any closer to her. "Move out of my way. I have more of a right to be here then you do."

"Just leave, Francis." Her mother says out. "She's not your problem because you're not part of our family and this has nothing to do with you." He tries to walk around me to get to Daniel but I step in his way again.

"I suggest you leave." I tell him and he stares into my eyes, rage lying behind them. He shoves me hard out of the way but I grab him and pull him away from Sierra. He tries to push me again but I pull my fist back and connect it hard against his jaw. His head flies to the side as a crack fills the room.

"Hey!" Her mother yells.

"Your going to regret that." He says and I pull my fist back to connect another one but hear a noise behind me. I feel my hand stop in place as I look over my shoulder.

"Ughh." When I look at Sierra, her eyes were open and she was moving her head from side to side.

"She's awake." Daniel says and the room goes silent.

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