Chapter 2: First day

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Tomorrow is the first day of school. Ughhhhhhh. Its 10:15p.m. and I'm still trying to find my first day of school outfit. My mum got me a whole bunch of new clothes after she dropped me off at home and they still are in their bags on the floor in my closet, where I threw them when I got home from getting them. I look in my closet at all my black, gray, blue, red, and white tops. Maybe she wasn't 100% wrong about my style. It is pretty glum.

I grab my phone from my dresser and look at the weather for tomorrow. It was going to be in the 80s and sunny. On reflex, I stand up and walk to the closet, grabbing the first shirt my hand touches. Then I walk to my dresser and grab a random pair of jeans.

"Good enough." I say then crawl back into bed. What do I care what people think about me? I never did before at any of my other schools, so why should I give a shit now?

After failed attempts of falling asleep, I decide to get up and go for a walk. Maybe it will be refreshing. I quietly slide on a pair of shoes then tip toe down the stairs and past my mothers room. She would have a stroke if she found out I snuck out and didn't meet a boy.

The cool air hits my face and sends my hair in every direction as I walk down the street. All the houses on the street are pitch black, showing that everyone is asleep. The only light showing me where I am going is the street lights.

"Shhhh.... someone's coming." A voice mutters, causing me to stop in my tracks. I squint out into the darkness but see nothing. Maybe it was a bad idea to go for a walk. I turn in my tracks and march back to my house.


September 1, 2016

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I slapped my alarm clock and get out of bed. The moment I sit up, voices fill my ears from downstairs. A guy voice. My moms boyfriend. I grab my clothes from off the floor and go into to the bathroom to shower. When I am down drying off my hair, I go back into my room and grab my ear buds. The less of his voice I ear the better. He can be a real asshole without even knowing it, especially with his bad temper. I have asked my mother to leave him many times because he is a horrible person, but she ignores me every time claiming she is in love with him.

I shake my head and put my ear buds in and go downstairs. I see movement in the kitchen so I go into the living room and sit down. I don't want to be in a bad mood on my first day. My phone buzzes, indicating a notification. I grab my phone and open it to see a reflection behind me. before I can react, my ear bud gets ripped out of my ear. I turn around and face him.

"What?" I ask as I turn off my music.

"Are you deaf?" Francis yells at me. "I asked if you wanted some eggs?"

"No." I say as he walks away. Told you, bad temper.

"Well good. Now you have more time to go upstairs and change into something decent." He tells me as he walks back into the kitchen. I look out the window and see my moms car in the driveway waiting for me. I grab my bag off the floor and walk out the door.

"Why are you still with that dick?" I ask as I get into the car.

"I know you don't like him but you have to be nice." She tells me as she always does.

"One day you are going to realize how shitty of a person he is and I won't be here when you do." I mutter under my breath. She turns her head to me but I put my ear bud in and stare out the window.

When we pull up to the school, I feel my heart sink inside of my chest. This school is so much bigger than my last one. So many kids are standing outside talking to friends. I thought the school would be much smaller because this town is so boring, but I guessed wrong. My mother taps my shoulder and I pull out my ear bud.

"I know its a big school, but Francis thought it would be better for you. Easier to blend in." She says as I open the door and get out.

"He doesn't give a shit about me." I say then close the door and walk towards the school.

The day went by slow and painful. I was so happy when the bell finally rang to dismiss the day. I was pretty proud of myself that I made one new friend in my Language class... or maybe he was making conversation because we sat next to each other. As I was walking out of the school, I got a text from my mother telling me my bus information to get home, since they both worked. I looked up and stared at the rows of buses. Luckily my bus was one of the first ones to me.

I sat on the nearest empty seat and stuck my ear buds in as people piled into the bus and found their friends. The bus was loud the whole way, even through my ear buds blasting out music. I guess when there is this many kids, it is going to be loud.

Halfway to my house, I feel someone pull my beanie off my head. I quickly pull my ear bud out of my ear and turn around to face the guilty. The preppy guy in the seat behind me has it on his head and the girl next to him is trying to take it off his head.

"Stop being a jerk and give it back to her." She says as he swats her hands away. She pulls her hand back and rubs it as a red mark appears on it form the hard slap.

"Shut up." He says, causing his friends to erupt in a roar of laughter as if it was the funniest shit on the Earth. He turns to them as if he needs the approval.  When his head is turned, I snatch my hat off his head and shove it into my bag. 

"Dick." I mutter at him as I put my ear buds back in.

"What did you say?" He asks, pulling my ear bud out of my ear. He is starting to remind me off Francis and it is pissing me off. School is the one place I can get away from him.

"Logan, knock it off and leave her alone." The girl next to him says again. "Stop being a fucking dick before someone punches you."

"How about you shut up?" He spits at her. I turn around and look at him in the eyes. "What? What are you going to do?" He asks me as the bus stops. I stand up and get off the bus, even though we are a few blocks from my stop. I get off in silence and walk the few blocks to my house. What was I supposed to do? I can't even stand up to Francis, how can I stand up to him? I guess I'm just useless.

When I get home, I run upstairs and to my room where I slam myself onto my bed and pass out.

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