Chapter 27

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We walked to the mall entrance. Everyone looks at me then looks away, afraid I would see them looking. But of course I saw them... I see all of the stares my way. I could feel the nervousness and anger in my gut as more and more people looked my way. Daniel asked my to come to the mall with her for something to do, but since my arms were so tired from yesterday, I decided on taking my wheel chair today which just draws more attention to me. But on the bright side, I get a free ride from Daniel. This was counting as our first date since we asked each other out last night and rather than feeling nervous, I feel free and excited fro what is to come.

When my mother came to get me last night, I kissed Daniel on the cheek and she freaked out. So when I told her we were together, she got even more mad at me since she doesn't believe in gay marriage.

"Where would you like to go first love?" Daniel asks as she puts a hand on my shoulder. I look back at her and smile.

"Hot topic." I say while laughing. "I have money and I can get whatever I want without my mothers opinion."

"What did she do when you told her last night?" She asks while steering me towards the store.

"She yelled, freaked out, screamed at me, cried, and now I have no clue." We went into hot topic and I immediately rolled my way to the hair dye and looked them over. "How about this color?"

"Eh.. that blue isn't really your color." I grab pink and she shakes her head. "No." Green, orange, purple, and black all turned out as 'no's as well.

"How about red?" I ask and look over at her as she nods her head vigorously. I grab the red then kept looking around.

I ended up getting some shirts, a necklace, hair dye, and a sticker for my wheel chair... because why not. I was spending the night at Daniels so I can dye it tonight and give my mother a heart attack tomorrow when I come home. We decided to go to the cafeteria to get some food once we were done in a few more shops.

"This is really good." Daniel says while eating away at her Chinese. I look up at her then see a group of girls behind her, staring over at me. People that I did not get along with. "Sierra?" She asks then turns around "Who are they?"

"People from my old school before I switch." The popular group who made my whole year a living hell. I skipped school just to get away from them and ended up with a truancy ticket.

"Oh my god! Sierra is that you?" One of the girls asks bitchly. I look up at her as they all walked over.

"Yeah." I say and look at them.

"Eww. What happened to your face? Some how you get even uglier." One of them says and the others laugh as I continue to eat my food, ignoring them.

"Where do you get your clothes from? Goodwill?"

"Can you leave me alone and go fuck yourselves?" I ask them in a snappy tone.

"Oh my god. The mute spoke."

"Wait, are you the girl who got 'kidnapped'"She asks with air quotations.

"Walk away." I tell her as Daniels face becomes white in anger. I try to look her down but she doesn't meet my eyes.

"Fight me bitch." She says and I shake my head.

"I will beat your ass sensless if you don't leave me the fuck alone." I tell her and she looks into my eyes.

"I bet you fucking liked it because he gave you attention and nobody else would. Hope he comes back and keeps you forever." I stood there for a minute, shocked as Daniel stands up out of her chair and punches the girl as hard as she can into the jaw. She grabs her face in pain as her whole cheek turns red from the hard punch.

"Get the fuck out of here." I tell her as Daniel rubs her hand.

"Are you okay?" She asks me and I nod my head as the girls walk away and to the bathroom.

She called Al and had him come pick us up, since Daniel doesn't have her license yet. When we got back to her house, I made myself comfortable on her couch, since going upstairs would have been way to challenging with my leg. But as soon as we got there, my mother called ad informed me more about what the doctor just told her over the phone.

"The doctor. Visions and memories of what happened may occur but you have to talk to them to someone in order to help yourself mentally. This tramadic event was so hard on your brain that if you don't help it now you may not be bale to learn or remember things as fast as you were able to before." She tells me and I nod my head. I tell her thanks then hang up the phone as Daniel comes into the room with a glass of water for me.

"Would I be bale tog et something to eat?" I ask he and she nods her head then leaves the room. I feel my body shakes as I think over what my mother said. The cup in my hand begins to shake as memories fill my head. The next thing I know, the glass breaks and I look down to see a cut on the inside of my hand. Daniel runs into the room and holds my hand.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asks and I shake my head as she picks a piece of glass out of my hand. "Have you been having panick attacks?" She asks and I nod my head. "Have you been having visions about what happened?"

"Yes." I mutter under my breath as a tear slides out of my eye. She begins to pick up the glass pieces on the floor. "I will never get better." I tell her but she wraps her arms around me tightly to help  feel better. I wrap my arms around her and cry into her shoulder. All the memories of Francis come flooding back into my mind and I shut my eyes tightly to try and make them go away as my body begins to shake. Daniel holds me even tighter as I go into a panic attack and all of the things I have tried to forget over the years comes flooding back. This is going to be a long and hard night.

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