Chapter 31

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"I'm here to see Francis Long." I say to the officer at the window.

"He's at lunch right now with the rest of the inmates." The officer says while looking at his computer screen with not a fuck given. I adjust the crutch under my arm and lean in closer to the window.

"Can I please just go and talk to him? I really need him to sign something right away." I say and look at Daniel and she nods as Al stands behind her.

"Sure. What are the forms for?" He asks while opening the door to the office and stands in front of me.

"To put my baby up for adoption. I need him to sign the forms or it won't be legal to give it away." I say while looking at the floor. When I told Al about the baby when he came to get us from the adoption center to bring us here, he demanded to come with to give Francis a bitch slapping.

"He raped you too?" The officers asks without a filter. When I don't reply, he just opens to door while clearing his throat. "This way." I go past him and he walks us down a few halls with the swipe of his key card. When we reach a barricade door, I see all the inmates in their orange uniforms eating their lunch at metal tables. The room was loud with men voices bouncing off the walls. The guard on the other side of the door nodded at us. "Francis short-dick. You got a visitor." He screams and Francis stands up a few tables away from where we stood. I am glad there is a gate between us this time. My eyes don't leave him as he walks closer to the gate. I adjust myself and back away from where he stood.

"Theres my beautiful baby girl. Hows our baby?" He asks while looking at me then to my stomach. He reached out between the bars to touch my stomach but I back away before he can touch me.

"I need you to sign this." I say while handing him the papers and a pen through the bars.

"What is it for?"

"Just sign the papers." I say as he looks at me for a minute then down to the papers. His eyes scan the page as I look around the room to see the people he was sitting with looking over at us. I guess he made some friends in here who don't want to kill him.

"You want to get rid of our baby?" He screams at me and I jump backward as the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. The room goes silent and heads turn to us.

"Please just sign the forms." I tell him. "I need you to.... just do this one thing for me."

"I'm not going to sign your goddamn papers." He screams while ripping the paper and throwing it to the ground. I watch as the pieces fall. "You really thought it was going to be that easy?"

"Hey!" He officer yells at him and bangs his wand on the bars. "Step back."

"You are keeping our baby and when I get out of here we are going to raise this baby together. A happy family."

"Your dreaming. Your never getting out of here unless someone bails you out. Which nobody would ever do because your a fucking pig. You knocked her up then left her. You really think they would let you go?" Daniel snaps as I loose balance with my crutch and fall towards the wall. I land on my leg and yelp in pain as I try to push away from the bars but Francis grabs my arm and pulls me in for a kiss. I push him with all my might but I was weaker than him. Daniel tried to pull me back from him as the officer ran over and hit him as hard as he could with a stick. He dropped to the floor and another officer came over and lead us away from the bars.

"That baby will be mine! I am going to get out of here!" He screams down the hall and I feel my stomach clench.

"Are you okay?" The officer asks when we are back into the lobby. I nodded my head as I went towards the door where Al was standing.

"You okay?" Al asks then looks down at my hands. "Where's the papers?"

"He ripped them to shreds." I mutter under my breath and wipe my eye. He was about to ask me something when my phone began to ring. I pulled it out and put it to my ear. "Yeah?"

"Where are you?" My mother yells into the phone.

"The jail trying to get adoption forms signed." I tell her not caring anymore.

"What?" She screams and i roll my eyes.

"I know, I know." I tell her then look at Al as he talked to Daniel. "I'll be home in a few minutes. We are leaving now." Al nods his head at me then leaves to go bring the car around.

"We are going to have a talk about this when you get back." She says then hangs up in a fit of rage. I roll my eyes then go outside of the doors as a few more people walk towards the doors. When someone stops in front of me, I look up.

"Hey." He says as I stare at him. It was Brad... I haven't seen him since we were in the restaurant scared out of our minds.

"Hey." I mutter as he smiles at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm visiting my dad. Thanks for getting me out of going to jail though." He says with a short laugh.

"No problem. Not like you did anything to hurt me or anything."

"How have you been?"

"Well, school sucks. Everybody just looks at me funny anytime I go anywhere." I laugh softly. "The legs healing slowly at least."

"Well thats good to hear. I wish we could tlak some more, but visitation is almost starting and I need to talk to my dad about some things." He says and I nod my head understanding.

"Yeah, no problem." I tell him then watch as he goes into the building. I wonder why he would come to visit his dad of he caused him so much grief. I guess family is always family.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asks me as she comes out of the building after Brad. She looks at him then back at me.

"Yeah. Just an old face I thought I wouldn't ever see again." I say then go towards Al's car.

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