Storage Room

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Maybe id missed this place i thought as i wondered down the oddly familiar streets. This was the first time since id been back id just walked around letting my legs take me where ever they pleased. I stopped to admire the beautiful scenery around me before continuing my walk, i noticed an old building, one that was oddly familiar. Before i could think twice i was inching closer trying to figure out how i knew the building. As it finally registered it was to late, i had already sunk to my knees willing myself not to cry. This was jaebums old storage building. The pictures and memories that should be behind those doors was too much. But with a shaky hand i pulled out my keychan and there it sat. A key to the building. I shoved the key into the lock and slowly opened the door, as i stepped through it was like stepping back into the past.
My eyes were covered by jaebums hands as we slowly made our way to a surprise he'd set up. I couldn't help but smile as i carefully stepped forward "dont open your eyes and wait right here" i did as i was told amd stood still with ny eyes closed. I heard a door open and then i was being guided forward. "Okay on the count of three open your eyes, one..two..three!" As my eyes fluttered open my jaw dropped. I was standing in a fairly small room with poor lighting but that didnt matter because there was a huge heart on the wall made of photos me and bummie had taken. There was a table set with dinner and soft music playing. It was perfect to say the least. However a twinge of nervousness shot through me. Jaebum had been more brutal than hed ever been before. He'd thrown me in the floor and called me awful names. Like fag, ugly, disgusting, worthless, trash, ect. Then he'd jerked me up my the collar of my sweater and spit in my face. Id been on the verge of tears, mark had pushed past the laughing crowd and engulfed me a hug whispering "everythings okag jae. Ill fix this" before standing up and shoving jaebum. "Is this your boyfriend?" Mark had growled out in anger "you know god damn well he isnt. You a coward jaebum. Your pathetic. Making him suffer because your scared to face your fear." Jaebum had just laughed and stepped closer "i dont think i know what you mean tuan" and that had been the end. Mark had punched him directly in the jaw before shoving him into the lockers "dont bullshit me. You know exactly what i fucking mean" jaebum had been about to punch mark but jacksin and junior, jaebums friends, came barreling down the hallway screaming at him to stop. He'd froze and turned to face them, mark had taken the opportunity to punch him one more time before coming and helping me up. Hed glared at jaebum while saying "stay away from him, he didnt do anything to you and you know that. Your scared and thats fine but don't take it out on him." He was just trying to "make up" for today at school even though tomorrow he'd do worse. Mark would hurt ne if he found out i was with him again but i couldnt help myself. He always seems so sincere. I shook my head and  sat down enjoying the food. "This is wonderful jaebum" hed gave me a small smile "im glad you like it. I just wanted to make up for today" id nodded before focusing on the beautiful moment at hand.
Id been naive, i think id just wanted to believe him so much that id blocked all rational thoughts out when i was with him. Sighing i locked and closed the door, never in a million years did i think id stumble upon this place again. To my surprise it was already getting dark and it had begun to rain. Groaning i began jogging down the crowded sidewalk. I needed to get gome

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