Chapter 7

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Jayla's Prov

"Ugh" Scooter said Sighing. We were currently 2 streets past the Biebers mansion, I guess Hailey is still spending Christmas with Justin. Which we already dropped them off 2 minutes ago but Canada is like a snowball and the huge Suv is stuck in the snow. I started shivering and The driver noticed his name is Alex and he's super nice to me "I think we need to go to the Biebers because we're all cold and we're not getting out of this mess." Scooter nodded and took out his phone

"Yes hi Mrs. Bieber"
"Yeah well we're having a little problem with the snow."
"Oh really?"
"Yes Theirs 3 of us."
"Ok thanks."

I only heard scooters half of the conversation and Not Mrs. Biebers.

"Okay so Justin's dad is gonna pick us up." I nodded. I was kinda scared to meet them because I'm just the flight attendant nothing special.

10 minutes later

"Hola children need a ride?" Mr Bieber said pulling up to us. I was currently shaking my little butt off. Mr Bieber got out and looked straight at me and smiled "Well who are you, you're new?" I nodded and took out my hand to shake his "Pleasure to meet you Mr Bieber."

He chuckled "Mr Bieber makes me sound old. Please call me Jeremy."

I smiled "I'm Jayla Sprout."

He smiled "Jayla.. Love the name, we were gonna name Jazzy Jayla."

I chuckled "Jazzy is adorable." He started taking off his other layer of his coat "You seem freezing."

I shook my head "No no please I don't need it." I said Walking back. "Jeremy this little savage doesn't take anything from anyone. She likes doing everything on her own." Scooter said With his hands in this pockets.

It is true I hate taking stuff from people. "Sounds like my wife." Jeremy said running his hand through his hair. I chuckled and yawned at the same time because I am soo exhausted.

When I slept with Justin it was the best I've ever slept in a long time. "Well we should get y'all back right?" Scooter said. I nodded and tried to jump on the truck but it was way to high. "Here let me help you." Scooter said Getting ready to lift me. I shook my head "Nope, I got this." I walked back A little and ran to the truck and jumped. I landed on the seat on my belly. Jeremy Chuckled and walked to the driver seat "Definitely Pattie."

Pattie must be Justin's mom.

5 minutes later

The Bieber's house was huge. It made my apartment look like a Box that a homeless person would live in New York City. Let's just say There house was New York City and my Apt. was the box

I got out the Truck and got my luggage out of Jeremy's hand. He smiled at me And I just gave him a fierce look. He knew that I was gonna carry my own luggage.

We got up to the door and we didn't even have a chance to open it and A gorgeous lady with brown hair and a huge smile opened the door. "Scooter!" She screamed with her hands out reached so she could hug him. He chuckled and hugged her back. They let go and she looked at me. I smiled and out reached my hand "Hi I'm Jayla Sprout." She smiled and hugged me. "Wow." I heard Justin say behind Pattie, she let go and looked at Justin "What?" She asked. He shook his head "Nothing but you just hugged Jayla and You don't usually hug people."

Pattie shrugged her shoulders "Well I feel like I'm gonna like this Jayla." Pattie said Smiling at me. I smiled back "You didn't even hug Hailey." Justin said like a 2 year old.

I looked at Hailey, she had her hands crossed and was making bubbles with her gum.

"So Jayla can I grab your bags?" Pattie said obviously not paying any attention to Justin. I shook my head "Nope, just tell me where to go and I'll take it." I said picking up my bags.

"Patties twin" Jeremy and Scooter said
"Moms twin"  Justin said all at the same time

I chuckled. "I'm very independent."

Pattie smiled at me And said "Come with me" I followed her to this gorgeous room. Which was right next to Justin's because it had his name on it. "Thank you." I said setting my stuff on the bed. "No problem look around the house, make it yours." She said with a warm smile, I nodded.

I set my bag on the bed, I'll unpack later I wanna look around this house.

I walked outside of the room I'm staying in and turned down this hall. The first room was all blue and had basketball and baseball stuff everywhere. This must be Justin's little brothers room. I walked more down and there was this huge princess room. A room that I wished Gracie had. It was all light pink and just so pretty. I walked down more and it the last room on this part of the house. I walked in and it was a Blue room, hockey stuff everywhere. There was letters and books and magazines in the room. There was also a poster of Young Justin when he was in the beginning of being famous. You know the purple and white outfits?

I stood up and ran my fingers on the poster. "This is my favorite room of the house." A voice said behind me. I turned around and it was Pattie. I chuckled and ran my fingers on the poster again "I remember when I was a huge belieber."

She chuckled "Yeaaaah It's crazy how girls just come up to me talking about my son." Pattie said Sitting on the bed looking at the poster still.

  "My daughter loves Justin.." I huffed out fast. Pattie looked at me "Daughter?" She whispered. I nodded "My daughter yes. She's 5 I had her at 17 which was young but it was my first time ever having sex and then she was born." She nodded "Can I see a picture?" I then pulled out my phone and Went to my Instagram and pulled up a picture. She gasped "Oh my gosh what's her name?" She said taking my phone into her hand "GraclynnMarie Sophia Sprout." I said looking at only ONE of my baby girls in the picture.

"Marie and Sophia are her middle names?" I shook my head "No. Her name first name is GraclynnMarie and her middle name is Sophia. But I always call her Gracie Or just Graclynn. When I get mad I call her GraclynnMarie"

Pattie giggled "Don't all mothers?"

I can't tell her about Jaylynn. But I wish I could get mad at Jaylynn and call her by her full name

JaylynnMarie Ann Sprout.

But I can't, I will eventually.

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