Chapter 5 A New Day

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After school Miya and Faith went on a bike ride like they always do, but this time they ended having to drag Miya's two younger brothers John and Justin. Justing is only 8 and John is 12. Miya really doesn't like when they tag along with her and her friends because the only time they seem to want to be with Miya is when her friends are there! She gets so annoyed with them really fast and often. As they all left Miya and Faith just wanted to go and find Zaya to hang out. Well the day before there were cops at his house they didn't know what was going on so they just asked him.
"Justin, John go over there for a second we need to talk to Zaya alone it's personal." Miya said to her brothers.
"But I don't want to!" Justin cried out.
Justin got mad at her Miya knew he was gonna be fine.
"Why were the cops at your house yesterday?!" Miya asked.
"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else!" Zaya responded
"We won't tell." The girls said together.
"Ok. They came to my house because this guy asked me something and was harassing me about it so I beat the shit out of him. I got charges with assault." Zaya was telling the girls what was going on yesterday.
"Oh ok well I'm just really really glad you didn't get taken in or anything!" Miya said relieved.
"Yea that's true." Faith added in.
After they were explained to what had happened yesterday Miya called her brothers back over. Justin was mad, and because Miya was gonna be hanging out with Zaya and Faith they had taken him home. Justin got all upset about it and everything. When they got to the house to drop Justin off Miya's step mom rudely said.

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