Chapter 6 The Ride

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Miya's step mom rudely asked
"What's wrong with Justin?!"
"I don't know, why?" Miya asked.
"He seems mad about something! What'd you guys do to him!?" Her step mom demanded.
"We didn't do anything to him. He wouldn't talk to any of us after we told him we were taking him home." Miya responded.
"Ok whatever you say." Her step mom said as Miya just ignored her and walked away.
Miya wasn't expecting John to stay home because they were just taking Justin home if John wanted to he could have stayed with them. Miya, Zaya and Faith went to the school they all were with Damon and was sitting in the green merry-go-round. Zaya couldn't seem to keep his eye off of Miya according to Faith.
"He keeps staring at you! He does like you." Faith said after Zaya and Damon got up to play ball some more.
"Yea so he couldn't stop look at me. I very well doubt he was looking at me he might've just been staring off past me thinking of someone else. He doesn't like me!" Miya said she was getting annoyed of Faith telling her he likes her when it's obvious he obvious he doesn't like her! Not one bit at all.
The girls walked over to the monkey bars and sat on top of them because they like sitting on them. Zaya walked over to the girls because Damon left to home for a bit. Zaya got up on the monkey bars with the two girls. Instead of being in the outside he got in the middle of the girls.
"So are any of you going to the HighSchools first Football games of the season Friday?" Zaya asked the girls.
"Oh I didn't even know there was a game at all so no I guess." Miya said.
"I've gotta babysit Friday I can't sorry." Faith explained to him.
"Oh well Miya you should go we can hang out there! It'll be fun don't worry." Zaya happily said.
As the three were talking about the game Zaya was slowing turning his body and attention towards Miya and started facing his back towards Faith. That made Miya's mind start coming up with so many questions and started confusing her? Miya ended up Zoning out and not paying any attention at all. So many thoughts filled her head about Zaya.
"Hey Miya will y-

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