Chapter 4 Playing Ball

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Faith said. "We're gonna be going to church soon after we watch you guys play ball for a bit."
"Oh uh ok I guess." Damon said annoyed like he didn't even want them there in the first place.
After awhile of watching the two boys play ball Zaya ended up taking his shirt off barely after 10 minutes. More than half an hour later Damon went home for awhile and all three of them were in a green merry-go-round. Zaya started tossing mulch at Miya kinda like he was flirting. Miya wasn't sure if he was or wasn't so she did it back but gently like he was doing to her. Miya started thinking to herself.
"What if he does like me? What if he asked me out? What would I say? Would I say yes or no? OMG I DON'T KNOW! AHH I need help!"
While Miya thought so many questions to herself it was kinda obvious she was kinda freaked out about something because Zaya ended up snapping her back to Earth asking
"What's wrong? Are you ok?"
"Oh yea! I'm perfectly fine!" Miya had just lied to him she didn't know what to say to him!
"Oh uh ok it just looked like you were scared about something." Zaya confusingly said.
"No no I'm fine everything is ok but Thanks for asking!" Miya quickly responded as if she wasn't just thinking about him.
"Anyways we should get to church Miya before it's over." Faith interrupted them.
"OH YEA!" Miya completely forgot about church.
The two girls left Zaya but Damon came back before they did so Zaya wasn't there all alone. The two girls are now at church and less than 20 minutes later it ended. Miya went straight outside to find Zaya. She completely forgot about Mark the boy at church she totally had liked way before Zaya she has liked him for a year now. Forgetting about Mark she went to find Zaya luckily he was still playing ball with Damon. She got really excited hoping Mark or anyone else wouldn't see her girling out over Zaya. No one saw her. Miya went home after everyone at church left and Faith had left before that. The day was now over. Miya had a great day with Zaya and she was really glad she had actually given him a chance to prove himself to her!

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