if being afraid is a crime, we hang side by side.

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Song: Swingin Party by Lorde

Clarke jumped into action immediately, as she always did. She hurried over to a metal bar along the wall and started tugging.

"Clarke what are you doing?" Mira asked.

"I'm going to pry open her cage," the blonde explained. Mira rose her eyebrows.

"Are you insane? Clarke we don't have time-" she was cut off by Clarke's final grunt as she tugged a section of the bar away.

"She can help us once we get out of here, she knows the ground better than either of us," Clarke reasoned, "and we can use her for leverage."

"So we will help the girl who brutally murdered our friends but ignore all the other innocent grounders who did nothing to hurt us because that's logical?" Mira ranted whilst Clarke struggled to pry open Anya's cage. "You're plans are really fool-proof Clarke."

Clarke sighed and turned to Mira. "Just help me with this cage, or we won't make it out of here alive."

Mira exhaled deeply and rolled her eyes before taking the metal bar from Clarke's hands. She placed the tip of it in the centre of the padlock. She put as much pressure on it as she could, her face screwing up in concentration. She refused to look at Anya. She couldn't believe she was helping the one who leaded three hundred warriors to kill her friends, including Cory and Bellamy. She managed to pop the lock and it clattered to the floor loudly. Mira stepped back as Clarke rushed to help Anya's weak self out of the cage. The trio all froze when they heard the opening of a door. Mira's head spun towards the source of the sound and her eyes widened upon realisation that Dr Tsing had just entered. Clarke hurried to push Anya back into the cage and crawl in after her. Mira didn't hesitate in scrambling in after them.

They all held their breath as Dr Tsing crept closer to the cages. It didn't go unnoticed by any of them that the padlock was still lying on the ground. Dr Tsing was practically taunting the grounders. Mira never thought she would see a weak and defenseless grounder, but here there were probably a hundred.

Mira's heart beat fast at the fear of Dr Tsing discovering the two sky girls in the cage alongside the grounder. She didn't want to find out what would happen to them if they were caught. They would probably shoved in a cage and hung upside down for their blood too. That's why they only had one shot at this.

Dr Tsing finally left the room, causing both Clarke and Mira to sigh out of relief. Mira hesitantly pushed open the cage door and crawled out, followed by Clarke and Anya. Anya had her arm around Clarke's neck and was relying entirely on Clarke to stand, much to the grounders dismay.

"Okay we've got to go," Clarke said. Mira nodded in agreement and led them to the only other door in the room besides the one Dr Tsing had just exited from. She blatantly ignored the radiation warning sign on the door.

The room they entered was bare, though there were some disturbing remnants of blood on the floor. The door swung shut and the trio stood in the middle of the room, glancing around them. The screech of an alarm made them all jump and Mira placed her hands over her ears.

"What is that?" She heard Anya question over the blaring alarm.

No sooner had the question left her mouth that the floor gave way beneath them. The girls all plummeted through the air, screaming in surprise. Mira landed on a firm and lumpy surface with an 'oomph.' She groaned and lifted her head, she had landed on her stomach. She gasped when she realised what they had landed on. Bodies. She resisted the urge to vomit or scream and scrambled out of the metal cart they had found themselves in. Clarke had already hurried out of the cart and was busy helping Anya out.

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