if this is love, then love is easy.

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Song: Love is Easy by McFly

Under any other circumstance, Mira would revel in the quiet walk through the wilderness. But given that she and her friends were walking alongside grounders on the way to a grounder village to burn one of their dead friend's bodies, she couldn't particularly appreciate the beauty of the forest surrounding her. She walked alone, her gaze occasionally flickering to Raven, who was sitting on a wagon beside Finn's body. Mira had kept close by her ever since the previous night. She walked along, deep in thought. How were they supposed to trust these people when they had just killed one of their people?

Bellamy walked a few meters behind his girlfriend, beside Clarke, who was quiet and her gaze was distant. 

"Hey, are you doing alright?" he asked, already her answer. Clarke jumped at the sound of his voice, she glanced briefly at him before returning her gaze to the rough track they were walking along. 

"Yeah," Clarke lied unconvincingly. 

Bellamy sighed, his gaze falling upon the tightly wrapped sheet that Raven sat beside on the wagon. "You did the right thing," Bellamy told her. 

"Now I get to live with it," Clarke replied bitterly. She looked at Bellamy, who was eyeing the nearest grounder warily. The blonde sighed. "You still think this truce is a bad idea, don't you?"

"I think we're wasting our time on politics while our friends are in trouble," he responded, clenching his jaw and scanning the tree line. 

"We need their army to get to Mount Weather Bellamy and you know it," Clarke argued. 

"Their army has been getting ass kicked by Mount Weather forever," Bellamy reminded her. "What we need is an inside man, someone to be our eyes and ears."

Clarke immediately shot Bellamy's suggestion down. "Forget it, it's too dangerous."

"Clarke, if you can make it out, I can make it in," Bellamy said. 

"I said no," Clarke snapped. 

Bellamy sighed. "Since I don't take orders from you, I'm going to need a better reason."

Clarke's eyes rested on the back of Mira's head as she turned her head to look at something in the treeline, an animal perhaps. She looked almost peaceful, almost, yet on edge at the same time. Clarke recalled how she had lunged furiously at her in Mount Weather, glass shard raised as a weapon and fury in her green eyes. Then she remembered the brunette's face when she saw Bellamy again, when she realised he was actually alive. 

"You can't leave her Bellamy," she told him lowly. "You didn't see her in there, she thought you were dead and it destroyed her. She can't lose you again." 

Bellamy swallowed and looked ahead of him to his girlfriend, her ponytail swishing behind her as she walked. As if she felt Bellamy's eyes on her, she spun her head around to flash him a quick, small smile before she turned back around and jogged a few steps to catch up with Raven on the wagon. Bellamy nodded. 

"Yeah, okay," he mumbled, still not entirely convinced. 

The large group consisting of sky people and grounders continued to walk in a tense silence. Mira's legs ached and each step she took made the longing for a rest even stronger. She couldn't recall the last time she'd gotten a full night's sleep. Everything had been so non-stop ever since they discovered Lincoln in the garage, who was walking alongside Octavia somewhere ahead of her. 

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