we shall all burn together.

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Song: I See Fire by Ed Sheeran 

The team of four had been sitting in silence for roughly half an hour before a sudden alarm blared. They all stood, but Mira's heart dropped, remembering what that alarm meant.

"About time," Octavia mumbled. 

The screeching of the alarm ceased when a dull thud resonated in one of the nearby carts. The group approached it, their stomachs churning and they peered over it. Mira resisted the urge to vomit at the sight. It was Fox. She was covered in her own blood, pale and still. Naira and Eduardo weren't as shocked as Mira and Octavia, but this shock was broken by the incoming sound of footsteps. Mira drew her sword in unison with Octavia. They lowered their weapons when a blonde tuft of her turned the corner. Clarke blinked in surprise at Octavia. 

"You stayed," she said. 

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Screw you, of course I stayed," she retorted. "I know where my loyalties lie."

Mira had no idea what was the cause of Octavia's snarkiness or the tension between her friends, but she didn't care, she was sure there were bigger problems in that moment. 

"Why did you retreat?" Naira asked. 

"Lexa made a deal with Mount Weather," Clarke explained angrily. She rushed to the intake door, pounding on it roughly. "They freed the grounders and now we're on our own."

"What?" Octavia exclaimed. "What about Lincoln? There is no way he would have let this happen!" 

Clarke stopped pounding on the door. She raised her gun, aiming it at the keypad on the door. "He didn't, they took him."

Octavia stepped in front of the gun, shoving it downwards. "What is wrong with you?" she asked in anger. It was clear Clarke was desperate. 

"I am getting through that door!" Clarke shouted. 

"And that's your plan?" Octavia argued. "Bellamy is counting on you, everyone is always counting on you."

Mira was so confused. She didn't understand why Octavia was having a go at her, Clarke never asked for any of this. 

"Well what do you want from me?" Clarke shouted back. 

Octavia clenched her jaw, Blake style. "You trusted Lexa," she accused. "You let a bomb drop on TonDC-" Mira's eyes widened at that claim. Her mind spun. It made sense, she left in time to make it there when the bomb hit, however when Mira saw her she seemed untouched...

"I am doing the best I can!" Clarke defended, tears pooling in her blue eyes. 

"Well it's not good enough," she told her. 

Mira was about to step in and diffuse the tension when there was a beeping from the keypad, causing Mira's heart to skip a beat in hope so that she didn't even raise a weapon like everyone else. 

Mira sighed in relief at the sight of Bellamy's face before she ran into his arms, embracing him tightly. His breath fanned down her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing tightly. She relaxed instantly at the feeling of his arms around her. She meant what she said to Jackson, he was her home, the place she felt safest. 

"Thank god you're okay," she whispered, letting a tear slip from her eyes. 

"We're both going to be okay Sweetheart," he told her as he pulled away. Her heart fluttered at the nickname. She had missed hearing him call her that. She didn't waste another second in pressing her lips to his in a passionate, longing kiss. His fingers tilted her jaw further up, causing her to stand on her tip-toes. 

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