Chapter 2

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Previous chapter:

After an hour or so I tried to fall asleep, but I felt uneasy so I couldn't. I turned to my left and saw Jake glaring at me. Huh! No wonder why I was feeling uneasy! If looks could kill I would definately be dead by now. I broke the eye contact and tried to focus of my music, but I could still feel Jake's eyes digging holes into my skull.

Ugh! This is going to be a looooong ride...

• • •

It's 11:26 and around an hour or so ago I couldn't stand Jake and Tyler's nasty looks anymore, so I went to seat with Mrs. Lake all the way to the front.

Tyler Rogers is Jake's actual best friend. He is 6'2" and pretty muscular, has dirty blond hair as Jake but his eyes are brown.

When Jake and I were friends, we used to hang out with Tyler at school, but he never became a member of our duo. But when I stopped hanging out with Jake, Tyler replaced me as the best friend. It was around the same time when I met Chris.

Although Jake hates me, he is discrete about it. He just glares at me and normally ignores me.

Tyler, on the other hand, is not very subtle. When ever I walk past him, he shoves me, trips me, or just "accidentally" pushes my books or food off my hands. But if Jake is present, he just glares at me, which I find a little bit odd.

So, I went to seat with Mrs. Lake. I told her that Chris says hi, and she said that of course she remembered him and asked me to tell him that she misses him at class.

Mrs. Lake and I chatted about this and that until she said that she would take a nap since the bus was almost in complete silence now. Most of the other students had fallen asleep and the ones who hadn't were in silence looking at their phones. If the bus was always this silent I wouldn't hate it so much.

My phone vibrated displaying a message telling me that the battery was at 10%. I searched on my pockets for my charger but couldn't find it. Dammit! I must have felt it on my seat at the back.

I walked back to my original seat and saw Jake asleep leaning against the window. Tyler had his earphones on and was looking at his phone not even noticing me.

I reached my seat and looked for the charger but couldn't find it there. I looked around searching for it. And found it on the floor all the way to the back.

I went to get it and Tyler didn't even look up. I picked the charger up and put it back at my pocket and started walking back to the front.

I was mindlessly walking when my feet tripped with something and I fell head first to the floor with a very loud thump. The hit caused my teeth to cut my lower lip and now I was bleeding a little bit.

The noise of my face against the floor was so loud that several people woke up. Some people just giggled when they saw me on the floor, but most of them just went back to sleep.

The sound of the giggles died down, but I could still listen someone snickering behind me. I turned around and saw Tyler snickering at me.

That's when I realized that I didn't trip with something, but with someone. Tyler had one leg out stretched on the hall of the bus.

The asshole tripped me! On a moving bus! What the fuck?!

Apparently Jake had woken up too, but his reaction was quite unexpected.

I would have thought that he would be laughing his ass off at seeing me on the ground with a bleeding lip. But no, he wasn't laughing. Actually, I saw a flash of concern on his eyes. I was probably wrong, but at least I'm sure he wasn't glaring at me.

Then, he looked from me, to Tyler's face (still snickering) and back to me. He then raised an eyebrown and looked at Tyler's leg, which tripped me. What he did next really surprised me: he frowned at Tyler.

By that moment I had gotten up and started walking back to the front, now with a headache. Fucking Tyler. I used the sleeve of my jacket to clean the blood.

When I reached the front, I saw Mrs. Lake still asleep. I plugged my phone to the power outlet beneath my seat and put my earphones back on.

After a little while, I fell asleep...

"Alright guys! Everyone wake up. We are here." I heard Mrs. Lake saying out loud.

I opened my eyes and stretched my arms. I looked through the window and saw the hotel. I checked my phone and it read 13;47. I stepped out from the bus and got my suitcase.

Once inside the lobby, the teachers were calling roll and telling who was going to share a room with who. Apparently all the rooms were doubles so it ment that there were two people per room. I wish Chris had come...

The distribution was made randomly and the teachers refused to change the partners because the names were already asigned to the room key each got. So, even though some people were arguing that they wanted to be with someone else, there was no way there could be a change.

I texted my mom telling her that I had arrived and she answered almost instantly with an 'Ok'.

After 15 minutes, around half of students were already arranged a room and partner, and had already left to find their room.

"Noah Matthews" Mr. Lee called and I went to him.

"Noah you are going to be in the room 4065 and you are sharing with Jake Hunter." Mr. Lee said not even looking up from his list.

I felt a cold shiver from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Like an ice cube was sliding on my back. I could feel my muscles tense and my eyes go wide.

"Wh..what?" I whispered more to myself than to Mr. Lee.

"I said you are sharing the room 4065 with Jake Hunter."

"Oh God. Please let this be a joke." I thought to myself.

I turned to my left and saw Jake staring at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression. He got closer to Mr. Lee and I, and my breathing became ragged.

"Mr. Lee, please there must be some mistake." Said Jake.

"No Mr. Hunter, there is no mistake; you and Mr. Matthews are sharing room 4065." Mr. Lee answered after checking again on his list.

"Mr. Lee, you don't understand. I cannot be in that room with him." Jake told with a desperate note on his voice.

Mr. Lee looked up from his list and made eye contact with Jake, who flinched a little.

"Mr. Hunter, I don't know what is the deal you and Mr. Matthews have, and I sincerely don't care. Unfortunatelly, there are no changes." Mr. Lee sternly said.

"But Mr. Lee..."

"Enough! I said no changes. Now, take your keys and take the elevator to you left to get to your room." Mr. Lee directed. "And don't forget to be back at the restaurant to eat at 15:00."

He handed us each a card key and turned to call someone else. I made eye contact with Jake and both of us turned around at the same time.

Jake walked in front of me to get to the elevator, and I could see the defeat on his shoulders.

Before we reached the elevator, Mrs. Lake grabbed me by the arm.

"Noah, are you feeling well? You look kind of pale." She said to me with concern on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy from the bus, that's all." I said trying to fake a smile, which she bought.

"Okay darling, just rest a little before coming down to eat, okay?"

"Sure, thanks."

I reached the elevator and Jake and I got in. Those were some on the most awkward silences of my life. None of us dared to say anything.

When we reached our floor, we went to look for our room. Jake used his card to open the door and we got in. That's when we got another surprise.

"No fucking way..." Jake said when he looked at the room.

To be continued...

Hey! this was chaper 2 of IVMY!

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What do you think Noah & Jake saw when they entered their room? leave your answer in the comment. ;)

I dont know when the next chapter will be posted but I promise to be as soon as possible.

Alsoooo. Dont forget to


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