Chapter 3

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Previous chapter:

I reached the elevator and Jake and I got in. Those were some on the most awkward silences of my life. None of us dared to say anything.

When we reached our floor, we went to look for our room. Jake used his card to open the door and we got in. That's when we got another surprise.

"No fucking way..." Jake said when he looked at the room.

• • •

"Mr. Lee is going to hear a piece of my mind!" Jake yelled and stormed out of the room and back to the lobby.

Fuck. There really is no way things could get worse.

Each room was supposed to have 2 single beds, one for each student. But, oh surprise! our room didn't have 2 single beds, it had one double bed.

Jake and I wouldn't only have to share the same room for a week, but also the same bed.

If God really exists, then he must had been laughing his ass off at me...

I placed my suitcase on the further side of the room, next to the window and plopped on the bed.

My state of shock seemed to be washing away by the wickedness of my reality, and the shock was soon replaced by much worse things: frustration & fear.

Frustration of not being able to run away, of not being able to escape & frustration that all that I had done to push Jake away was good for nothing, that he would realize that I am a faggot.

And there's where the fear comes in. If he realized, then he could use that against me. I would lose everything. The fear of having to go through "the accident" again would be part of my everyday routine.

I couldn't let that happen. No way.

So right there laying on the bed I made myself a promise.

I promised myself that I would protect my secret from Jake and the world, & if I failed I would end my life with my own hands. If my life was going to be taken away anyways, I would rather have it taken by myself.

I just laid on the bed for a long time watching the ceiling. I took my phone out of my pocket to see the time. It was 14:45 and Jake hadn't come back.

I started to put my stuff away in 2 drawers and when I had almost finished, the door was kicked open and a fuming Jake entered the room.

"Fucking Mr. Lee..." he said in a low whisper.

I just kept on putting my stuff away. Jake came closer to me, uncomfortably closer.

"Alright, listen... That..." he said pointing to his half of the bed. "is going to be my half. Do not cross it and we won't have problems. Okay?"

I just nodded while looking at the ground.

"Also, do not touch my stuff. Don't talk to me, don't even look at me." he said with a very harsh tone "Just pretend like I'm not here and will do the same. Understood?"

I nodded again without making eye contact. I immediately left the room and headed to the restaurant.

When I arrived, I went to seat with some classmates. We ordered our food and talked about this and that. When our food arrived, Mrs. Lake stood up and called roll. There were 3 people missing, 2 girls and Jake.

A moment later the 2 girls arrived rushing saying sorry for being late and took a seat.

"Well, I guess we'll have to proceed." continued Mrs. Lake. at seeing that Jake was most likely not coming.

"Today we are visiting the historic downtown and we are also going to a couple museums. The bus will be leaving at 16:30 sharp, so don't be late or you are going to be left behind." she continued.

"On our way back from Downtown, we are going to stop at a store so you guys can but groceries or whatever for your rooms. Remember that you are not allowed to buy alcohol, cigarettes or anything like that. If you are caught having any forbidden object in your possession, then you will be punished. Okay?"

After a massive "okay" from all the students, I looked at my phone and it read 15:46.

Mrs. Lake came to me and asked me to tell Jake about the schedule since he was my roommate.

I headed awkwardly back to the room, remembering to pull up my wall around myself with Jake around.

I reached the room and entered. When I walked in, I saw why Jake hadn't come to the restaurant. He was outstretched on the bed asleep.

Huh... See who was talking about not crossing to the other's side... The guy was taking up the whole bed...

He was snoring lightly; more than snoring, it sounded like a purring. I sat down on the desk chair not taking my eyes off him.

He had definately grown up... His face wasn't cute anymore, he was handsome, handsome as fuck! Just look at the perfect skin, the jaw line, those lips, that nose...

Ugghhhh! It's not fair! How can someone be so God damned hot?! I could see the muscles of his chest going up and down as he breathes and my eyes refused to leave them.

But then I noticed something that took my attention from his pecs. His t-shirt was rolled up a few inches above his belly botton. Oh God... Jakey had gotten some sweet abs! Even though he was asleep, I could see the muscles on his abdomen straining and relaxing.

Oh God! I just wanted to kiss his rock hard abs and then use them as a washboard to do my laundry!

Oh my God! And look at those lines! The ones that go from the sides of his body and disappear into his jeans! how were those called? I don't know... something belt... Oh yeah! Apollo's belt! Ugghh! Those lines were so hot! I just wanted to dive in them and never come back...

Jesus... Wasn't I supposed to put up a wall around myself to protect my secret from Jake Hunter's charms? At least he was asleep, so that didn't count.

I could feel myself blushing intensly, so I forced my eyes to leave the God on the bed infront of me and went to the bathroom. In the bathroom I poured cold water on my face to force the blush to go away. After a few tries it worked.

After leaving the bathroom, I decided to wake Jake up and tell him about the schedule as Mrs. Lake asked me to.

"Hey..." I said almost in a whisper standing infront of the bed. Of course he didn't even stir from his sleep. Jake had always been a heavy sleeper.

"Hey!" I tried again, this time with a tone loud enough to cause at least a reaction.

Jake stirred on the bed and mumbled something I didn't understand.

"Jake, wake up." I said a little bit louder.

"Just 5 more minutes, Noey..." He said half asleep while turning his back to me.

My eyes opened wide. I freezed at the point where I was standing. He called me Noey like he used to...

Just a couple seconds later, his eyes shot wide open when the realization of what he had just said struck him.

He sat straight up on the bed and blushed a deep tone of red. He looked so cute! Instantly, my blush came back with full force.

"I... um... Mrs. Lake told me to tell about t...the schedule..." I stammered not being able to hold the eye contact.

"Umm... okay." he responded avoiding making eye contact as well.

"Um... yeah... at 16:30 we are going to Downtown and a couple museum and on our way back we are stopping at a store to buy groceries..." I said trying to regain my cool.

"Oh... okay... thanks..." he said probably still feeling awkward.

"Yeah... no problem..." I answered.

"Oh! And... um... Sorry... you know... for calling you... that..." he said blushing even a darker tone of red. "It's just that I wasn't... you know... fully awake yet..."

"Yeah... I get it, don't worry" I answered trying to ease the awkward mood.

He checked the hour on his phone.

"Yeah, well... I guess I'm leaving already" he said.

And without wasting a second, he rushed out of the room.

I plopped down on the bed once he had left.

Oh God... That was so awkward! How am I supposed to survive a whole week having to put up with this?!

I repeated the whole exchange on my mind and caught myself smiling and blushing when I got to the part when he called me Noey...

"Oh no... Okay Noah, get a hold of yourself, you need to be strong. Remember the concequences failing to protect your secret." I thought to myself.

After thinking about the concequences, the smile and all the warm and fuzzy feelings I had left.

I took a deep breath.

"Hhmmm... the bed still smells like him..." I thought.

Fuck! Stop it Noah!

Uughhh... this is going to be harder than I thought...

To be continued...

Yeii :) that was chapter 3!

If you liked it please vote and comment.

Noah is not gonna have it easy right?haha

And what do you think about the promise he did to himself?

Alsoooo. Dont forget to


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