Day 12| Out of the maze

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       Day 12| Part III

       When the blurry light coming from outside showed that more than an hour had passed, I decided to come out of hiding; leaned against the wall, stopped, and realized I didn't know where I was. It was clear that this would happen: I was lost.

       I sat again, legs folded against my chest, and waited. Greggy always said that this was what people should do when getting lost. Greggy... He seemed so far, like a part of a dream that couldn't be true. It has been 12 days since I met Oliver's eyes; 12 days since the sad dream I was living shattered into pieces. Now I was just waiting for a light, waiting for someone, anyone, that could help me face that frightful maze. And the waiting gave me enough time to think about what had happened.

       Damon and Peter — they were related somehow, like boss and employee, and wanted the chain. The chain that, contrary to what I thought, was not Vince's... was it?

       Oh, Vince, what would happen if my curiosity for you hadn't lead me to that chain? And now, who is the crystal blade's real owner? Whose perfume I felt two days ago? Was it Damon's? He doesn't look like the sort of guy who uses perfume. He is a bad man. Bad men don't smell good. I shouldn't keep such a desirable object in my possession, my mother almost got killed because of it and the burden that the future holds can be disastrous. The chain must be protected by someone who can actually protect it, and I can't think of anyone else besides Oliver. When I see him again, I must remember.

        The hundreds of thoughts appearing in my mind were beginning to scary me. My legs and feet were aching. There was also a cut on my thigh I was not sure how it appeared there. I was thirsty, and in that silence, I began to feel the emotional, mental and physical wear of that day. I rested my head and closed my eyes.


       Footsteps. My eyes flung open. The maze was darker than I remembered.

       "Angelina Firenze!" Someone called.

       "Where are you?"


        That last voice. The voice I'd spent all that time waiting to hear. A small, faint ray of moonlight through a hidden window lit Sebastian's face, and I ran.

       "I'm here!" I screamed. "Here!!"

       I ran straight to Sebastian's arms, for the first time in my life not caring what he would think about later.

       "Thanks God..." He said, out of breath. We stayed like that for countless minutes; he pressing something hard on my back, like a gun he had no time to drop; and I, breathing the base of his neck, dirt with sweat, clenching my fingers around the folds of his clothes. I felt him unbracing me slightly, and I turned to see his face. He bent his head forward too, so our foreheads touched. I could feel his breath stir my eyelashes.

       No other second in my life could be compared to that. My legs were raised up to his chest and he carried me like a baby. I laughed, embracing his neck once again.

        "The girl is okay." A militar man said to his walkie talkie. "She is not able to walk, but we will take her."

       Not able to walk? Sebastian squeezed me more against him so I wouldn't fall with our laugh desire."Okay, if that's what they want..."  he whispered in my ear. I was about to do I don't know what when a big hand landed on Sebastian's shoulder.

       "Want us to carry her?"

       "No, I'm fine." And his maleficent smirk turned to me. "She's just a child, anyways."

       The man nodded and started his way leading us through the maze. I glared at the one above me. "I'm not a..."

        "Yes you are." He said. "A child with very big problems. What's about the chain?"

      I bit my lips. "I don't know, but Damon is about to do anything for it... Where is my mother? Sir? Zarina?"

       "Gene has sent some guys to the Hotel, but I'm sure your family is fine. Gladly they were chasing Peter Filthy around the building when we came, or he would have kidnapped us or something."

      "But Sebastian, if Peter Filthy can teleport himself, how can those guys arrest him?"

      "Sleep. Peter was being sedated everyday to keep his brain- hm- sleeping."

       "Do you think Damon woke him up to help find the chain?"

       "Probably." He slowed the pace. "We are here; close your eyes so they don't get annoyed with the light."

       Indeed, light hit ever corner of my vision. It hurt a little. While I tried to familiarize to the sudden brightness Sebastian slid me to the ground again. We were in the common room, illuminated by white lamps on the ceiling. Its huge space was empty except by the chairs and tables. And a big clock pinned on a tree nearby said it was six o'clock. Day or night? I didn't know.

        The men around us were big and scary, but with good eyes. One of them went to Sebastian and informed that the people they found in Hotel Vargas were sent to the sick bay, and we could go there, third floor second door to the right. I breathed finally, grateful everyone should be fine. 


       Lots of hospital beds and no patients (fortunately). The sick bay was actually a nice place, well organized and clean. Mom and Sr were laid side by side in the first beds of the first roll. Unconscious.

       Mom's face was serene and her hand was cold. I tried to find a solution in Sebastian's eyes, but he was far away sitting on the couch by the entrance, with his head leaned backwards on the wall, sleeping. My body suddenly became heavy, begging for some rest too. I approached the couch, chose the spot opposite him and sat. My eyelids closed. Everything was cold, but the absence of light made me feel better, like a vampire, I needed the dark.

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