The british isles

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Everyone looked at Ireland
"What?" She asked. It was obvious she wasn't one to back down from a fight. "Artie go call our brothers will you"
England walked to the nearest phone and called someone the discussion was short. He hung up "they're on their on their way"
She grabbed Germany by the front of his shirt "You just made it.made it harder on your self I've been waiting since WW2 for The blitz that almost killed England as well as having a score to settle with Holy Rome"
Germany visibly gulped " I am sorry"
"Sorry doesn't cut it you little sh**e, you hurt my brother I get payback and so do the other 4 of our brothers" she growled
Everyone but England looked shocked, are you confused on who these 4 brothers are? Well the 4 others are Scotland(the oldest), Wales(England's twin) Isle of Man and Isle of Wight(the twins between Scotland and Ireland and England and Wales)
Suddenly the door burst open And a blonde,two gingers and a pure red head walked in. The red head had a cigarette(Scotland), the blond looked exactly like England but with a blue military uniform(Wales), the two gingers looked similar yet different one had France's hair(Isle of Wight )and the other had England's hair(Isle of Man). Everyone stared at them
The red head blew some smoke and smirked "so t'e nazi bas***d is Holy Rome ha!" He took a drag and then walked to Germany "I knew 'here was more to ye"
Everyone was shocked by the strong Scottish accent, they all knew it was Scotland the one who fought off the Roman Empire as a kid at 8 years old with no help, who stopped Norway, Sweden and Denmark's Viking years on his own. Swedes usual poker face was replaced with one of fear. And everyone knew if Sweden was scared it was bad.
Scotland shoved Germany against the wall "I tho'ght we went ov'r this durin' the blitz"
Germany's eyes filled with fear at this. "Scotland please, I know you don't like me but please have mercy". No one had ever seen Germany beg for anything.
Scotland laughed and blew smoke in Germany's face. He then grabbed Germany and punched him in the face, breaking Germany's nose.

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