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Autumn's POV

I walked out of the hospital room. It's over he's going home he's fine. Of course I'll have to keep an eye on him. He did hit his head pretty hard. I hugged Max's arm to my chest as we walked out of the hospital. Wow what a birthday. I put the kids in my car and helped Max into the front seat. I got in the drivers seat and started driving home. I pulled in got the kids out and helped Max out. I made breakfast and put the kids to bed. The girls refused to go home and the boys fell asleep on me. I came back to see Max sitting at the counter starring blankly at the wall. I looked at the wall and saw the table where we had everything set up except for the cake. "Are you ok?" I asked when I got closer. I pulled myself on top of the counter. "No my thoughts are all jumbled up." He said. I nodded looking forward. "I'm sorry." He said. I faced him. "Why are you sorry if anyone should be sorry it should be m..." He cut me off my speech by kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Come on." I said dragging him upstairs. His eyes started dropping and I could tell the medicine was kicking in. I put him in bed and went downstairs. I made the kids favorite chocolate chip cookies and decided to make Max's favorite for dinner. Lasagna. (I literally have no clue so if that is his favorite it was a coincidence) My phone was ringing like crazy. "Yes!" I said annoyed. "Well damn someone didn't get enough sleep." Hazel said from the other side. I laughed. "I'm coming over with Ross." She said. "But I just put all my babies to bed." I said sighing. She started laughing. "We'll be there in an hour. Bye." With that she hung up. I ran upstairs and changed in a black dress. I straightened my hair and picked out the girls clothes. I stepped into the boys room. The boys were very light sleepers so I won't pick out their outfits yet. I ran downstairs as my timer started beeping. Taking the cookies out of the oven I put more in. Soon the smell of cookies was wafting through the house. Then a knock on the door took me out of my thoughts. I opened it to reveal Hazel and Ross. "Hey guys come in." I said walking into the kitchen. "I smell cookies." Of course that was Ross. I heard a ton of feet hit the floor above us. "This will be fun." I huffed.

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