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"What happened to you?!" Yookyung's father yelled in surprise when she came home. She rubbed the back of her neck and cheekily replied, "I fell down the stairs by accident at school?" She was mentally wishing that he bought her excuse but to no avail. "What really happened?" he asked.

She sighed, sat down and patted the space next to her. He sat down, "I'm all ears." "Promise me you won't yell or do anything?" He nodded and she spilled everything. When she finished, she closed to her eyes expecting a lecture but he just sighed. *A sigh?* She looked up and her father came with the first aid kit. He opened and started to clean off some of her wounds

Yookyung flinched when he got to the cut on her knee and he blew softly at it. He bandaged it up and closed up the box. "I'm sorry." Her eyebrows furrowed, "Why are you apologising?" He brought her into his arms and started to rub her arms, "I should've told you that the school was a bit dangerous. I'm sorry you have to deal with all this."

She hugged him back, "Gwenchana appa. I'll get through this! I'm strong and I have some friends who can help." She smiled at the thought of Teen Top. He let go of her and helped her up. He pushed her gently towards her room, "Get some sleep. It'll help a bit." She smiled, kissed his cheek and headed in.

"I need you baby baby baby~ annyeon-" Yookyung turned off her alarm and sat up. She looked around and headed off to do her morning routine. After a good 20 minutes, she got out and kissed her dad good morning.

"Gwenchana?" He worriedly asked. She nodded and gave him an eye smile. He gave an identical one and they ate breakfast happily. Yookyung waved goodbye, "Bye appa! I'll see you later!" He waved and walked away. Although Yookyung was a bit hurt, she skipped happily to school.

When she got to the school, she noticed a crowd in the middle. Guys were cheering and girls were worried. Yookyung walked up to a nice looking girl and asked, "What's going on?" The girl turned to look at her and said, "ZE:A is picking a fight with Teen Top." *ZE:A?* "By the way, I'm Yookyung." She held out her hand and the girl shook it with a smile, "Mihyun." *New friend! YES*

Yookyung then heard a loud yell. She pulled away from Mihyun and walked towards the crowd. She elbowed through the boys and they gave her dirty looks. Soon she had full view of the fight.

Punches were thrown everywhere and some blood was splattered on the floor. Yookyung looked around and saw L.joe orange hair flying around. She squinted and saw him punch a guy in the face. She gasped and covered up her mouth. It was her first time witnessing her fight and she knew that it wasn't gonna be pretty.

A lot of the guys were on the floor but Teen Top remained standing. They started high fiveing each other when all of a sudden, someone stood up with a bat ready to hit L.joe. Yookyung's stomach twisted and she yelled, "L.JOE! LOOK BEHIND YOU!" L.joe stopped and saw Dongjun about to swing at him.

Luckily, L.joe caught the bat in time and kicked Dongjun's stomach. He fell on the ground with a grunt and curled up. L.joe looked around and saw Yookyung with a relieved face. Before he could thank her, Ricky screamed, "NOOOOONNNAAAAA!!!!" He ran to her and gave her a bear hug.

Teen Top noticed Yookyung and just smiled while walking to her. ZE:A took the chance to get up and run. L.joe stood there watching the guys pick themselves and run. He walked up to Junyoung and grabbed his collar, "I don't ever want to see you here. You here me?"

Junyoung just glared, "No promises bro. Better watch your back before we come again. Maybe we'll hurt your girl too." L.joe shoved him and Junyoung joined the rest of his gang. *My girl?* He shook his head and walked to CAP. "Good job." He patted L.joe shoulder.

Yookyung gasped, "You guys are hurt!" They looked at themselves and Chunji said, "It's not a big deal. We've been hurt way worse than this." Her eyes widened, "No! You have to get treated. It could get infected!" She dragged them to the nurse's office and started cleaning off their wounds.

"I thought you would be scared of us by now after seeing us fight." Niel said. He flinched when the alcohol came in contact with his wound. Yookyung blew on it, "Not really. I was a bit frightened but I guess I'll be seeing more of that in this school." She finished bandaging him and move on to CAP. The same thing happened for every member.

She glanced at L.joe who was sitting on the window sill staring outside. She sighed and pulled L.joe off. He was startled and pulled away from her grasp. Yookyung gave him a firm look, "L.joe, as a friend I'm worried that your wounds might get infected it you don't clean it. So sit down and stop refusing."

He stared wide eyed at her. No one ever did anything like that to L.joe. He was about to fight back and she pushed him down onto the stool and took his hands. He felt his face flush but he looked down. Yookyung stared at his hands and they were full of cuts and bruises. She started cleaning and blew on them just in case if they burned.

L.joe felt it burn a bit but showed no emotion whatsoever. Yookyung ripped the bandage and slapped it on. L.joe flinched, "Yah!" She looked up in surprise, "What?" "Why would you slap the bandage on?!" She rubbed the back of her neck, "Sorry. I usually do it that way. But didn't I say your butt from getting hit from that bat?"

He scoffed and yanked his hand away from her. He walked out and slammed the door close. Everyone flinched and looked at Yookyung. She stared back, "What? What did I do?" Changjo chuckled and ruffled her hair. She pouted. *She's so innocent*

She looked at the clock and they were late for class. "OMO! OTTEOKAE?! WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS!" She screamed. Everyone laughed and Chunji spoke, "Kaja." They exited and went to class.

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