Yes, He's Mine

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Yookyung stepped out of her apartment building and jumped in surprise when she saw L.joe waiting for her. She smiled, "What are you doing here?" L.joe raised an eyebrow, "What? I can't walk to school with my girlfriend?" Her face reddened when he mentioned the fact that she was now his girlfriend. It was just yesterday that she confessed and now they're going out.

He held out his hand and looked the other way, trying to hide his blushing damn. *Damnit L.joe, why are you getting so embarrassed?* She slipped her hand into his and smiled. She liked how her hands fit perfectly with his. Yookyung pulled L.joe, "Come on, you don't want to be late, do you?" He shrugged and the two walked to school.

As soon as they walked through the school gate, people started whispering amongst themselves. "Is L.joe oppa really going out with that bitch?" "I bet she paid him to go out with her." "Damn, hottie is taken." "I know. What a shame."

Yookyung kept her head down the whole time, ashamed to look at others. L.joe noticed this and got a bit upset. He stopped in the middle of the yard and shouted, "You got a problem? So what if I'm going out with Lee Yookyung? Deal with it."

She looked at him with wide eyes and pulled on the sleeve of his blazer. "What are you doing?" She whispered. He looked at her and gave her a small smile, "Just telling people to mind their own business." Students were afraid so they looked away. Some fangirls started crying and guys scowled.

When the two entered the building, Yookyung was tackled into a hug by Mihyun. She squealed, "Oh my gosh! You have a ton of explaining to do." Yookyung giggled and nodded.

Teen Top walked over and patted L.joe on the back. "Wow, never thought I'd live to see the day that L.joe gets a girlfriend." CAP teased. He pushed his hand away. Everyone congratulated the two except for one person.

Changjo stood there quietly, sulking on the inside. He thought that he had a chance with Yookyung but he was too slow for it. But still, he was happy for his friend. He gave the couple a weak smile, "Congrats guys." Yookyung smiled, "Thanks Changjo!"

Mihyun looked at L.joe and gave him a stern look. "I swear, if you make her cry, I will kill you. Trust me, I don't go back on my word." The boys of Teen Top shivered at her cold glare. She turned back to Yookyung and started squealing and asking her a billion questions. "Damn, she's scary." Niel shivered. Chunji nodded, "Yeah. Doesn't she remind you of someone?"

His friend shrugged, "Not sure." Chunji studied her for a little bit and then pondered. *She reminds me of a certain gang leader. But which one?* He shook off the thought and pushed Yookyung. "Now enough chit-chat, we have class to get to."

Throughout class, Yookyung kept on getting these weird feelings. Every time she would turn around, she would see all the girls glaring at her. She gulped and turned back to face the front. *I didn't know going out with Byunghun would be this scary.*

The bell rang and students ran for lunch. Yookyung poked L.joe, "Hey, I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick. I'll meet you in the cafeteria." He nodded and gave her a peck on the cheek. She blushed and waved goodbye.

On the way to the bathroom, she ran into Mihyun and the two went in together. Yookyung came out of the stall and went to the sink to wash her hands. She turned the tap off and grabbed some paper towels to wipe her hands. After she threw out her garbage, Mihyun came out and washed her hands.

"So~, when did you start going out?" Mihyun asked. Yookyung blushed and started rocking on her heels. "Yesterday actually." Her friend immediately straightened up and yelled, "What?!" She winced at the volume and shushed her.

Before Mihyun could question her further, the queenkas of the school walked in. Haebin stood in the middle of her group and she popped her gum. She walked towards Yookyung and looked her up and down. She grabbed some of her hair and twirled it around her finger. She shook her head, "I just don't get what L.joe oppa sees in you. You don't even deserve him."

Yookyung slapped her hand away. "Who are you to say that?" Haebin scoffed, "Obviously I'm more fit to be with L.joe oppa unlike you. I bet you paid him to be your boyfriend." She grew furious. "Shut up. He's mine." The queenka raised her perfectly arched eyebrow, "What? He's yours?"

She gave her an icy cold glare, "Yes, he's mine. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat with my boyfriend now." She looked at Mihyun who was glaring at the queenkas. The two friends pushed through the group and walked out of the bathroom.

Outside in the hallway, Yookyung leaned on the wall and exhaled shakily. Mihyun smiled widely, "Oh my gosh Yookyung, that was really cool! I didn't you had it in you to stand up to that plastic bitch." She gave her a small smile, "Thanks. Now let's go get some food, I'm starving." They walked to the cafeteria while talking about her and L.joe.

In the cafeteria, L.joe looked around worriedly for Yookyung. CAP shook his head, "Man, you're whipped already." He glared at his leader, "I am not whipped. Just worried." When he saw the two girls walking in with their arms linked, he sighed in relief.

Yookyung sat down next to L.joe and smiled. "So, what did we miss?" Ricky smiled sweetly, "Nothing noona! But CAP hyung said something about L.joe hyung being wh-" Niel stuffed some rice in his mouth and smiled at Yookyung, "Nothing. Just nothing." She raised an eyebrow and but shrugged.

L.joe pushed his tray of food to Yookyung. "You should eat." She pushed the tray back, "It's fine. I'll just get my own tray." She was about to get up and he pulled her back down. "Just eat this. I'm not gonna finish it anyways." Knowing how L.joe was pretty stubborn and was still a bit awkward with Yookyung, she complied with his request and ate some of the food. He smiled to himself. *Boy did I get lucky to be able to have such a nice girlfriend like her.*

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