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Mihyun and Yookyung walked through the halls while chatting about random things. Yookyung suddenly remembered something and nudged the girl. "Hey, do you still like Kanghyuk oppa?" Her friend blushed and looked away. She squealed, "Oh my gosh, you do!"

The other girl sadly smiled. "Even if I do, I'm pretty sure that I won't have a chance with him." "What do you mean by that?" Mihyun gave her a look. "Do you know why people are sent to this school?"

Yookyung shrugged, "Isn't it because they are delinquents or they have been kicked out of too many schools and this was their last resort?" She laughed, "Yeah, that's why. Pretty detailed there, my friend." Yookyung smiled and waited for her to continue on. "No one would want me. I have a pretty bad past."

"How bad is it?" Yookyung curiously asked. Mihyun chuckled, "Pretty bad. I would tell you but it would take too long."

In Gohyung High School, all the students feared a certain group of girls who called themselves The Red Butterfly. They walked through the halls together, making students back up into the walls and lockers so they don't get in their way.

The girl in the middle stood out the most. A smirk was plastered on her face and there was a confident air around her. When she entered her classroom, all the noise stopped and everyone turned to look at her. Mihyun made her way to her seat and plopped down.

She looked around, noticing how everyone had their eyes on her. She growled at them and they immediately turned around. She scoffed and propped her feet up onto her desk.

When her teacher walked in, he noticed how Mihyun was the only one without her textbook out. "Mihyun, take out your books." The girl didn't listen and when teacher reminded her again, she glared and he shut up.

She punched a boy and he fell to the ground, clutching his jaw in pain. She squatted down and grabbed his collar, pulling him closer. "Remember to never mess with The Red Butterfly. Got it?" He nodded fervently and when she released her hold on him, he scrambled away.

The Red Butterfly was one of the most known female gangs in the district. Everyone feared them and knew better than to mess with them.

One particular day, Mihyun had a sudden change in heart. "Girls, you're going to have to run The Red Butterfly without me." "But why?!" One of the members yelled out. She gave them a small smile, "I have my reasons. I'm sorry I let you down."

Hyunyoung, the co-leader, stepped up and gave her a nod. "Go ahead. But remember, you have to go through with the ritual before you can leave." Mihyun smirked and nodded.

In the rain, the leader was being beat by her members. She fell to the ground and coughed out a bit of blood. Her clothes were all dirtied and blood stained her shirt. Hyunyoung pulled her collar and gave her one final punch. Mihyun fell back to the ground and laid there in pain while they all walked away.

The next day, Mihyun walked into school with bandages all over her body. Students gasped and started whispering amongst themselves. She hissed and they scrambed away. The Red Butterfly walked in and Mihyun looked up. The girls coldly walked past her, not even acknowledging her existence.

She sadly smiled to herself. "This is what I deserve." She mumbled to herself.

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