Blackstar x Soul

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Soul's POV:

Its been four years. Four years since the Kishen was destroyed, four years since everything had a false sense of peace. 

Everyone was happy, Lord Death had retired and Kid had taken his place. He was a good ruler, but unfortunately a lot of things had to be re-built to be 'more symmetrical'. So uncool. 

Maka had gotten a boyfriend, his name was Marco. A weapon unfortunately. I thought I would feel jealous...but I really didn't. Sure Maka wasn't home as much but...I guess I could deal with being alone.

Blackstar and Tsubaki had left a few months after the Kishen was destroyed. 

Here I was, sitting alone in my room, fiddling with a hairband while regretting my past. I will always regret the way I said goodbye to Blackstar. 

I realized too late it was because I have a massive, irrefutable love for the blue haired moron. I thought it was just a bromance...but nah. 


Maka and I were standing with Blackstar and Tsubaki in front of the DWMA. There was a car on the road with bags stuffed in the back, Blackstar was standing on top of the car while Tsubaki stood in front of it.

Maka and Tsubaki were having this 'girl moment' thing. They were both chattering quickly while I stood off awkwardly, trying to figure out what to say. 

My heart and mind were in a fray, tch, it was so uncool of me. 

"Well, it seems as though you won't be having your awesome friend around anymore. How will you survive?!" Blackstar yelled, halfheartedly. He jumped off the car and walked over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him, my eyes still droopy because I was exhausted.

"I'll be fine" I whispered, I looked down. 

For some reason, my chest was heaving with pain and my mind wouldn't quiet down.

"How long will you be gone" I said, shifting closer to the arrogant star in front of me slightly. 

Blackstar took his hand off my shoulder and ruffled my hair, "I don't know" he said quietly.


I looked up at him, half in shock half in sadness. 

"You will be back...right?"  I said while fixing my hair


"Blacksta...r...?" I faltered. 'Come on, pull it together. Why are you acting like this?!' I screamed at myself. 

Blackstar turned away, simply walking to the car. He didn't look back as he spoke

"I will be back Soul. One day..." He said, then whipped around, "AFTER ALL, HOW COULD YOU SURVIVE WITHOUT ME?!" he then ended in a laugh, I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly at his arrogance. Blackstar's eyes were far from his laughing demeanor though, they pierced sadness down to my core. 

"Come on, lets go!" Tsubaki said, getting in the car. Maka walked over to me and nudged me.

"If you want to say something, say it now" she muttered to me quietly, I looked at her in confusion until I heard a car door slam shut.

"Bye Soul!" Tsubaki said, Blackstar simply waved. He didn't look at me, and I swore I saw a tint of red across his cheeks for some reason. 

The car drove off before I could say or do anything. I felt the stinging sense of loss when I saw the lights of the car disappear in the distance. I reached my hand out sadly, Maka sighed beside me. 

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