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"Eren, the day my mind looses itself, destroy me. I do not want to live in my insanity"

"Eren, I am sorry I have asked you the worst of requests...but please don't fail me"

"When I go insane, I will forget you...I will forget how much I love you. I won't be able to protect what I value most in this life"

"Nothing in this world means anything when I can no longer see you for who you are"

"I love you"


Oh Levi...

       You don't seem to understand.

When you go insane...

                       When you have lost the battle

When I fulfill the deed you ask of me...

                       I will go insane too

                            "I love you too"


Fitting really, for it to be raining on a day like today.
A day when two minds melt.
It was also cold.
Sitting inside a dark room, the cold of the outside world seeping in slowly through the cracks in the freshly broken glass, said glass littered the floor in dangerous warning not to step on that patch of floor.

Eren was sitting on the floor, his hair in front of his eyes.
His slender fingers traced patterns in the cold weapon in his hands

Eren looked up slowly from studying a peice of broken glass on the floor.
He saw Levi, his crumpled and broken form sat against the opposite wall from him.
Levi held his hand tightly, blood seeped between his bony fingers like slow rivers of pain.
Levi's eyes were blank, his vision seemingly gone.
He had a bandage around his head, like those few strips of paper and gause would hold his mind together for a few minuets longer.
Levi lifted his head, his mind felt heavy and blank.
He saw a brown haired boy sitting on the floor across from him.
He looked familair...lovely...
But Levi couldn't remember him.

The silence was suffocating.
It was thick, like there was a liquid in the air and all one had to do was pull ones hands through the substance to clear it away.
'My name...what is my name...the boy said it earlier...what was it...' Levi thought slowly, for some reason tears ran down his face. His mind couldn't think anything but pain.
The blood pouring out of his hands continued.
Anger sparked through the small man as he saw the red agony drip onto the floor.
The same anger that drove him to shatter the window.
Finally the brown haired boy spoke, his voice sounded sad and broken
" can not remember me can you..." Eren said, he felt empty. He wasn't sad, he wasn't breaking down.
He felt empty.
"Who are you brat?" Levi spoke didn't sound like Eren's Levi.
This Levi was scared, more angry, shattered.
Eren stood, glass digging into his hand as he made his way over to Levi. Eren held the silver weapon in his hands carefully.
"Who are you?!" Levi screamed, his hands going to his hair. His eyes looked dead. He looked tired, weak. Like he would pass out at any moment.
"I am here to keep a promise I made to you" Eren whispered and sat down beside Levi.
For some reason, Levi wanted to reach out to the brunette.
Eren sat down beside Levi, pulling his hands away from the raven's hair.
"What is your name promise keeper..." Levi said, his words slurred and his mind sometimes screamed at him to kill.
Then was quiet again.
Then silent.
It drove Levi more crazy.
Levi's eyes twitched
Eren reached out, his movements slow but not hesitant.
Levi didn't shrink away as the boy pulled his head to his shoulder
"My name is Eren" Eren said, his voice cracking as he got up on his knees. Levi stayed against his shoulder.
"Hello Eren" Levi said, his voice carrying an insane ring
Levi stayed beside Eren.
To his surprise, Eren smelled amazing.
Levi closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath from Eren, his hands stayed loosely at his sides.
Eren lifted his hand, the silver danger coming along with his slow hand
"...You smell amazing" Levi said, his mind screamed again.
Then fell silent.
Fell silent.
"So do you love..." Eren said, his voice carrying a strange emotion to Levi. Eren put his fingers in Levi's hair tightly. Levi thought of the emotion...
Levi felt a cold tip touch the side of his head, but he payed no attention to it, he was too consumed in finding the source of this familiar heavenly smell that was Eren
"Goodbye Levi...I love you" Eren said, his voice strained.
"Love?" Levi asked in an insane voice
" Goodnight"
And with that, Levi lost his sense of vision forever. His voices stopped eternally.
And Eren soon followed him, the sound of his departure echoing in the small walls of the house.

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