Vicious gym teachers make for one hell of a story

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Hi guys, I hope you really like that chapter! I'm gonna add a lot more Riley, Farrell, Zay, and maybe josh I haven't decided yet, but tell me if there's a character you want to see more in the story!

Maya made it through her first five classes, but she wouldn't be making it to her 6th. She had to ditch a class earlier than farkle and Riley to drive all the way across town and get her cash. Before the tardy bell rang for 6th period she quickly opened the door outside and started sprinting for her car. "EXCUSE ME MISS,STOP" Maya didn't stop. She kept running forward. " I'm sorry I really have to get to class I'm going to be late" usually that works. She had her hair tied in a stylish messy bun the teacher probably didn't know who she was from the back. "I SAID STOP" the teacher persisted. Maya kept running until suddenly she was on the ground. "What the hell?" She said god I'm gonna have bruises everywhere she thought as she looked up and saw the gym teacher Mrs. Wells laying on top of her. "Did you tackle me?!" Maya yelled. "I tried to tell you to stop" the gym teacher said plainly. "Now where do you think you're going miss hart?" Maya pointed to the mobile classroom outside, trying to stick to her story of going to class. "Alrighty then" Mrs. Wells said "why don't I just walk you down there to make sure you don't pull anything funny." Maya gave her a weak smile and they walked up to the door. Mrs. Wells opened the door, "I've got a kid for ya Mrs. Ellis" she said with a smile and walked out. The whole class was looking at me confused, even Mrs. Ellis. "You're Mrs. Hart right? " Mrs Ellis said. "Yes Mam" I respond awkwardly. "Okay" she said kindly "well you're not in my class so what can I do for you?" She said. I looked around the room my face was getting red, I could tell. Think, think! I say as I scan the room for an idea, then I spot him and give a little smile. With the last bit of confidence I have I flip my hair back and say " Zay babbanoe is being dismissed." Zay looks up at me not understanding. I give him a quick wink and he catches on, I can tell. " okay" Mrs. Ellis says and turns to zay " zay don't forget to do your homework tonight, you can go." Zay grabs his things and walks up next to me I quickly walk out of the room giving my signature smile and wave. That was pretty good I think to myself and grab zays hand.

"Do you know how many things could have gone wrong?" Zay said laughing and putting his arms around her waist. She giggled "yes thank god you were in there or I would have had to call yogi out of the class" she said and giggled again. "Wait a second" Zay babanoe one of Maya's closest friends and occasionally her make out buddy said "you didn't come in here just to get me?"he said confused maya then began to tell him the story of the gym teacher tackling her and her elaborate lie. At the end of the story Zay busted out laughing pecked her check and said maya hart this is why I love you and they giggled down the street.

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